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I was a warrior who dreamed he could bring peace...

Jake stumbled as he walked through the ash filled remains of Hometree his mind in a daze as he looked around at the damage done by Quaritch.

Sooner or later, though...you always have to wake up.

As Jake was pulled from his avatar and back into his human body he just remained limp, guilt was coursing through his veins preventing him from moving. Jake, who had just been welcomed into the Omatikaya, had gotten the Olo'eyktan killed and countless other innocent Navis that were supposed to be his brothers and sisters.

He heard Grace yelling but it all remained muffled to him as his eyes stared straight up unmoving. It remained like that for what felt like hours until they were eventually put into a cell.

He eventually started talking the shock of the event wearing off as he held his head down. The entire cell was enveloped in silence with the occasional sniffle from Grace.

He could hear the sound of a cart rolling, but he didn't turn his head to it until he heard Trudy's voice, "What's going on, brother? Long time no see" she had said the a guard that was stationed by their cell.

The guard looked towards her, "hey" he acknowledged as he went to inspect the cart he was rolling, "Personally, I don't fell these tree-hugging traitors deserve steak".

The guard scoffed as he bended over to look at the steak, "they get steak? That's bullshit" his comment was met with a pistol to the back of his head before she slammed it down knocking the guy out.

Everyone in the cell had jumped forward and watched the interaction, Norm watched her with a smile on his face. She returned it slightly before turning to the door, "Max!" She yelled causing the scientist to enter the room in a rush.

Max moved towards the door as he unlocked it, freeing them from the cell. The group ran down a hallway towards the helicopters, with Trudy armed and leading the way.

"Trudy, fire up the ship!" Jake said motioning his head to Norm to catch up with her.

The pair ran into a room that led directly to the pad, they made sure to put there air masks on before rushing out hoping to start the helicopter early saving them from unwanted confrontation.

Jake alongside Max and Grace followed taking a little bit longer. Max opened the door to the room before Jake turned to him stoping him from entering, "Max, stay here. I need someone on the inside I can trust" he said to which Max nodded hesitantly.

Trudy had fired up her helicopter which unknowingly sent an alert to the control room stationed above the pad. Jake and Grace had made it to the ship.

Grace and norm lifted Jake into the helicopter moments after gunshots were fired at the helicopter.

"I'm taking fire let's go!" Trudy yelled urgently as glass shards broke off in her direction.

Grace lifted Jake's Wheelchair into the ship before being flung back by the Helicopter rising. Fortunately norm was there to grab her hand and haul her into the Ship.

Shots were still being fired at the ship but it broke through nevertheless. As the ship gained velocity Hells gate became a distant memory.

Jake cheered as hells gate became more distant in his view but his cheers were quickly silenced as Grace muttered a curse out. His head turned to Grace as she held her hand up, it was soaked with blood.

"This is gonna ruin my whole day" she whispered as she looked at Jake with a pained sigh. He rushed towards her holding his hand on her wound, "Grace is hit! Norm get the trauma kit" he said turning to norm urgently who rushed to grab it.

ULTRAVIOLENCE //JAKE SULLY Where stories live. Discover now