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Eywa has heard you...

When Jake heard Ri'lani yell those words a new sense of determination set into him. Eywa was on his side in this twisted war, she felt the anguish of the Navi and responded.

He couldn't dwell on that longer as he had a job to do. The threat of the ship carrying the bombs still weighed heavily on him so with a yell he and Toruk dove towards the ship.

Once low enough he leaped off of Toruk and brought his AR over his shoulder. he quickly fired at the RDA stationed on the roof, jumping over them with a yell.

As the gun became useless he tossed it to the side before grabbing the grenades on his chest. He pulled the pin and quickly threw it into one of jets engines. He leaped off the aircraft where Toruk loyally swooped in to catch him.

The aircraft's wing exploded causing it to fall to the ground below, leaving a fire grave in its wake.

Soaring in the air, Jake set his eyes on a new target... Quaritchs ship.

He dove down mimicking the same process before as he landed on the top of Quaritchs aircraft. He grabbed another round of grenades off his chest with the intention of doing the same.

But Quaritch having seen Toruk and Jake in the window quickly grabbed the controls causing the aircraft to heavily lean to the side.

Jake lost his balance as he fell down holding to a missile to prevent from falling to his death. One of his grenades survived the fall and stuck itself in a crevice of the aircraft. It exploded opening a large whole into the cockpit of the aircraft.

Jake still dangling tried to pull himself up by holding on to one of the aircraft's missiles. It broke loose giving Jake an idea. He quickly pulled himself up just as Quaritch opened a hat hatch and began firing at him. Jake threw the missile into one of its turbines but he himself fell as the aircraft exploded.

Jake and the aircraft tumbled to the ground below. Though lucky for Jake there were leaves to break his fall, he'd have to thank Ri'lani again for training him how to manage his fall with them.

He rolled on the ground catching his breath as he watched the aircraft above fall to the ground.


Ri'lani, now riding a thanator, had been in the area as she heard the crash. She was still looking for Neytiri but had no luck so now she headed towards the crash site to pick off any survivors.

She saw an amp suit traveling through the jungle she watched as he approached the shack Jake resided in. A snarl formed on her face as she urged the thanator to go faster. She charged at the amp suit, her bow ready.

The thanator launched itself in the air with a yell as it pounced onto the amp suit which to her anger she recgonized the man inside. It was the man that stood in the aircraft as her home was destroyed.

She was thrown to the side before they pounced again. Quaritch brought his gun out and fired a few stray bullets before he was tackled by the thanator.

The animal began smashing the arm that held the gun on a rock. The gun broke off and fell with thump before Quaritch delivered a punch to the animals jaw. He attempted to grab Ri'lani but she quickly ducked.

They backed up before pouncing again, this attempt was only met with Quaritch tossing them into a tree. Ri'lani let out a yell her hand grabbing the tree as they made contact. Quaritch unsheathed a knife as Ri'lani and the thanator recuperated.

The thanator hissed before the pounced again being met with a stab to the gut. Ri'lani screamed as she felt the knife in bed into the thanator from the bond they shared, she felt the knife just as she had felt Katir getting shot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27 ⏰

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