Scream 7 - Chapter 8 Part 3

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Scene 1

Maureen was looking at the pictures of fallen people who died with strange circumstances but wondered if the man who was holding Maureen out of her full will is responsible for all of this. The thought of her daughter was on the older woman's mind and hated how she couldn't be with her. Maureen's daughter in Sidney was grieving at the same time, most likely believing she'll never see her mom again. Hearing the sounds of footsteps, Maureen looked up and saw Ghostface come into the room with his hands behind his back and frowned.

Maureen – What do you want?

Ghostface – Someone's not in a good mood, but have you chosen your newfound face?
Maureen – Maybe, but then again maybe I haven't. Where did you get these faces from?
Ghostface – Don't worry that pretty head of yours too much about it. Once you choose, then
you'll be just fine.
Maureen – More like you're FORCING me to do this, I never wanted ANY of this in the first
Maureen throws the folder full of pictures at Ghosfact who surprisingly catches it with one hand.
Ghostface – Calm down and shut up Maureen, you're not in any position to make decisions
around here. It is me, I AM the one in charge of this newfound life of yours.
With the other hand, Ghostface throws some kind of card at Maureen which landed on her chest
covered by the hospital gown.
Maureen – What is this?
Ghostface – Your newfound life and identity so to speak.
Maureen – What?
Maureen gets a closer look at the ID and sees the name in the middle with confusion.
Maureen – Maura Lane?
Ghosefact – Yes indeed, once the surgery is over and you have that new face then yours then
you're on your own.
Maureen – That's it? What about Mindy? What about my daughter? She has a right to know her
mother is alive?

Ghostface sighs and shakes his head while he approaches Maureen with the knife in his hand.


Ghostface – Do I need to warn you again what'll happen if you see her?
Maureen – What are you going to do this time around? Kill me? I've already died once, I am not
afraid of dying again.
Ghostface laughed and shook his head before he sat on the edge of the bed next to Maureen.
Maureen – People like you make me sick.
Ghostface – I'll give you that Maureen, you are resilient, tough and full of courage. But in the
From behind, Ghostface had something in his hand.
Ghostace – You're just a dumb bitch.
Ghostface stabs Maureen in the neck with a syringe as she tries to fight it but to no avail,
Maureen passes out. Standing up from the bed, Ghostface looks through the folder of photos
featuring many of the faces where one of them Maureen would have. There was one face that
stood out to him the most as he had a smirk through the mask he wore then looked at Maureen
with a wicked look on his face.
Ghostface – I think I just found the perfect face for you my dear, but don't worry....all will be
taken care of.
Ghostface evilly laughed as he caressed a knocked out Maureen's face softly.

Cast —

Maureen Prescott portrayed by
Lynn McRee

Scream 7, Fan Fic Thriller, Created by Party Will & Nathan BanksWhere stories live. Discover now