(Butterfly effect)John x gn!reader

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This is a fucking nightmare. Y/n thought to themself as they ran to were John had crashed. They had just shot down his plain down. Y/n saw John swim toward the river bank and get back on shore but before John could run y/n shot him once in the leg and in the stomach area, causing John to scream and fall to the ground. Y/n walked up to him and picked him up putting him on their shoulder.


After a few minutes of walking toward Johns bunker, y/n threw him down on the muddy ground and grabbed the key to the bunker that was around Johns neck. John grabbed y/n's wrist and looked at him.

"What if Joseph is right? Did you ever stop to think about that."

Y/n starred at John with a hateful look as he spoke.

"Everyone thinks he's crazy, but he's not. Look around you. This world is on the brink. You can feel it, in your bones. Look at the headlines"
John started to laugh "look at who's in charge" he coughed.

"Did you ever stop to think that maybe you and your siblings are the cause of it."
Y/n said. John's smile faded and he looked away for a split second.

"I wouldn't be here right now if you guys haven't started this. This is called the butterfly effect John... and I'm not the one who started it"
Y/n said grabbing the key from John and yanking their hand away from him.

"All this is happening because of your brother, think about that"
Y/n said getting up.

"Don't go anywhere"
They went on as they walked to the bunker to open it.


After getting everyone out of Johns bunker y/n went to make sure John was still were he left him and to their surprise he was but he was passed out. Y/n kneeled down and put two fingers on his neck to see if he still had a pulse. He did. Y/n picked up John and walked with the others, away from the bunker.


John woke up confused as hell. He tried to move his hand to rub his face only to realize that his hands were cuffed to a bed. He looked around to figure out we're he was. There was a TV in front of the bed and a dresser on the the wall to his right. He tried to move to sit up only groan at the pain that shot threw his side. He looked down to see his wounds had all been treated. He furrowed his brows in confusion.

There was creaking sound that got Johns attention. He looked up to see y/n walk in and close the door behind him. John honestly did not know what to think in this situation. Why had you saved him? Why did you keep him alive? He desperately wanted the answer.

"Your probably wondering why I kept you alive"
Y/n said.

"Why did you"

"I don't know..."
Y/n did know but they didn't want to admit their reason. They felt ashamed. They felt it was wrong to like this man. I mean he killed people and tortured them. So why did they like him so much. Maybe they just sympathized for him. That must be it, they felt bad.

"I felt bad for you"

"I don't think that's the full truth Deputy"



"My name is y/n"

John hummed. He liked that name, wished he had heard it sooner.

"Y/n... what's the real reason you kept me alive?"

Y/n kept silent, they looked out the window thinking to themselves. John wished he knew what was going on in their mind.


"To be completely honest, it's because I like you. I know I shouldn't. Your a terrible person but... human emotions"
Y/n sighed and walked over to John, sitting next to him on the bed.

"Also everyone joked about you being a little to obsessed with me"
Y/n chuckled

"Was it that obvious"
He smiled

"A bit"
Y/n looked at John before reaching for his cuffs.

"I'm going to take these off and if you run, which you can't because I shot your leg, then I will shoot you with the intention of killing you"
Y/n said taking off the cuffs.

"You'll regret it though"

"Don't underestimate me John"
Y/n said giving him a stern look sending a shiver down Johns spine.


The past few days were fine John got to roam around when y/n was there to supervise him and when y/n wasn't there he was cuffed to the bed. One day y/n came back with the worst type of injuries. He uncuffed John from the bed asking for help since everyone else was busy. Y/n got a med kit and set it down on the bed they took their shirt off causing John to stair a little to long.

"Hey pay attention"
Y/n snapped their fingers in Johns face getting his attention.

John helped y/n patch their wounds up. once the bandages were on John took the opportunity of being uncuffed and y/n being half naked to his advantage. He pushed y/n down on the bed and pinned their arms. Y/n gasped surprised. John ran his fingers down y/n's cheek. Dare y/n admit that they leaned into Johns warmth. Johns other hand went to rest on y/n's stomach causing them to shiver and feel like there were butterflies in his stomach.

John smiled at the sound of a quiet moan that escaped y/n's lips. He leaned down to whisper in y/n's ear.

"Butterfly effect"
He whispered

Y/n new that this night was going to be a fun one.


I don't write smut but I get close to it

Usually in stories like these y/n is the one to get captured but I wanted to switch it up a bit. Hope you liked it though

Words 1022

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