(If it's meant to be, it's meant to be)John x m!Reader

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Y/n has been trying his best to help this place. He honestly never could have imagined that he would be taking back an entire community from a bunch of crazy people. Well here y/n was, running from a bunch of Peggie's while bleeding out. He had to get somewhere safe to nurse himself back to health, but that was hard when your in the middle of the forest the worst part about this was the fact that it was getting dark. Y/n thought about climbing a tree but decided against it as most of the trees looked unclimbable.
At some point y/n did find a small shed by a river to hide in. He could hear Peggie's outside the shed but they were the least of his concerns at the moment. Y/n pulled his shirt up to reveal a gun shot wound. It was just a graze but it was a deep one. Y/n put his shirt back down and leaned his head back, sighing. He waited till the Peggie's voices disappeared before getting up to look around.

He walked around the shed and looked in some drawers to find something to patch himself up with. He opened a small wooden box on the floor and found some gauze. As he was about to put the bandages on he heard a car approaching. Y/n looked out the window to see a van. He was not at all pleased to see who exited it. John seed. 'That sick badgered' y/n thought to himself as him and John locked eyes for a second. Y/n quickly ducked down out of view, he hoped John didn't see him but he new he did.

John signaled his followers to the shed one pointed their gun at the door while the other kicked down the door. The two Peggie's rushed in. Y/n tried to fight back but one of the Peggie's managed to punch him in the stomach right where his wound was. Y/n grunted and fell to his knees. He heard a chuckle and looked up strait at John.

"Oh you poor thing"
John whispered kneeling down to y/n and grabbed his chin.

"Are you ready to atone for your sins deputy?"
John asked.

"Fuck you"
Y/n spat. John sighed and stood up. Motioning for his followers to grab y/n.

The Peggie's dragged y/n to the van. They had tied his hands so he wouldn't be able to fight back. They threw y/n in the back of the van and began to drive off.


They arrived at one of the cult outposts. Y/n was put in a room, he was cuffed to a bed so he wouldn't be able to escape. After awhile John walked into the room with some bandages. He walked over to y/n and started to patch his wounds up. Y/n furrowed his eyebrows.

"What are you doing"
He asked.

"I'm cleaning your wounds"
John replied

"Yeah I can see that, but why"
Y/n asked.

"Because I need you healthy"

"That still doesn't explain much but ok"
Y/n hissed when John put a little too much pressure on his wound.

"There, I'll bring you some food. I bet your starving"
John said before walking out of the room. Once he was gone you/n started looking for a way to escape but it was to no use seeing as he was still cuffed to the bed.

Y/n whispered see as it was no use.

John walked back in the room with some food. It was nothing fancy. Y/n had to admit though, he was hungry. John fed y/n cause he really didn't trust y/n enough to uncuff him.


A few days had passed. Y/n was actually starting to take a liking to John. Looking passed the psychopathic part of him he was quite nice. Y/n was gaining his trust and that was a good thing he had to keep doing so he could escape. The problem is, though, he didn't really want to. Over the past couple of days y/n has formed some unwanted feelings for the man. He's not sure what to do about it.

All of a sudden, alarms started to go off. Y/n could hear the Peggie's outside yelling, and gun shots were heard. Soon the door to the room he was in swung open. He was expecting John but nope it was Mary.

She said with relief as she walked over to y/n and took the cuffs of him. Y/n rubbed his wrists see slight marks caused by the cuffs on them.

"People started to get worried when you stopped showing up. Some thought you abandoned us but, I knew you would never do such a thing, how come on we got to get out of here"
She said grabbing y/n's hand and running out of the out post. Y/n didn't 100% want to leave, he wanted to stay with John, see where this relationship would take them, but y/n had a job to do, he needed to save this place, that was his main goal and he couldn't do that if he was trapped in John's house.

They got to a car and as they started to drive off y/n looked out the window to see John watching the car drive away. Y/n sighed and turned away. 'If it's meant to be, it's meant to be' he thought to himself not 100% sure if that even made any sense.


974 words

I'm not to proud of this one it was kinda all over the place and it didn't feel organized at all. I didn't really know what I was doing with this story.

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