(Pretty boy) Deputy Hudson x m!reader

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It was a pain in the ass getting into Johns bunker. Especially because y/n was injured. He looked like he was run over by 10 trucks and then was wrapped in barb wire and struck by 15 lightning bolts. Well maybe I'm over exaggerated but he was weak for sure.

As y/n walked into the bunker he sprocket the end of the stairs seeing a few Peggie's they were yelling about protecting the bunker and making sure the deputy(y/n) doesn't get in. Y/n grabbed a grande. He pulled the pin aimed and threw, bodies went flying and any survivors which weren't Manny, he shot in the face.

Y/n kept his head up and checked every corner he killed any Peggie's he could. The only thing that was on his mind was getting his girlfriend back. Y/n couldn't even imagine the shit that John and his goons put her threw and if he was being honest with himself he wanted to get her and high tail it out of this hell hole. He couldn't though. He knew he couldn't leave these people behind, they needed him.

Y/n made it to a room he looked around but before he could take another step someone jumped out at him with a knife. They tackled them to the ground and tried to stab him but y/n kept them away. It was Hudson and when she realized who it was she immediately apologized.

"Y/n it's you, oh god, oh god"
Hudson calmed down. She was so out of it.


"I didn't think you'd come back"
She whimpered.

"Now why wouldn't I come back for my number one girl"
Y/n chuckled and pulled Hudson into a hug. She started to cry. Y/n did his best to comfort her.

"It's ok. We're going to get out of here"
Y/n said cuping her face and pecking her lips.

"We have to get the other hostages out of here"
She informed

Y/n took a deep breather
"Let's do this"

And another long ass ride of killing Peggie's and getting the hostages out and getting out of that fucking bunker went by y/n just wanted to take a long ass nap but everyone else wanted to celebrate the win.

Y/n was sitting at the bar with his half empty glass, his girlfriend next to him. She put her hand on his shoulder and looked at him.

"Hey I know you tired. What do say we call it a night"
She said before getting up.

"Yeah sure"
Y/n replied and followed her to the house that Mary let them crash in. They got to the house and y/n wanted to take a shower for one but Hudson also wanted to take a shower, so y/n proposed the smartest idea.

"Do you want to shower together?"
Y/n asked. Hudson looked at him like he was a mad man.

"Only if you promise that it's not going to turn into anything more than just showering"

"I promise"

"Then ok"
And with that Hudson and y/n showered together, and y/n did keep his promise. He respected his girlfriend and her boundaries. After the shower the two love birds put on some lazy cloths and got in bed with each other. Y/n turned to face his girlfriend.

"I really with I got you out of there sooner, I'm sorry"
Y/n said putting his hand on Hudson's cheek. She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch.

"It's ok, you tried your best and that's all that matters"
She said
"Now let's get some sleep pretty boy"
Y/n smiled and pulled Hudson closer to him. They both were finally able to sleep comfortably that night, knowing that they were both with each other again.


Thx for reading I hope you guys like this one I don't usually write female characters but love Hudson so... she's an exception.

670 words

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