More than a bad dream

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Luffy was fighting Smoker with relative ease. Robin and Brook were defending you from the rest of the marines. Suddenly, a woman tried to attack you with a sword, but Zoro blocked her.

"I thought you wanted her alive" Zoro said blocking the girl. The girl backed down.

"I wasn't going to hurt her" The girl replied. "But, what makes this girl so special to the government?"

"It's not the government that wants her, right, Vergo?!" Law said out loud, so everyone could hear him. "This man doesn't work for the navy"

"What is he talking about?" Smoker didn't believe one word Law said. He continued to fight Luffy. Before Law could say something else, Vergo punched him, with such force, that Law was sent to the other side of the boat.

"Law!!" You ran next to him, and checked if he was alright, he was bleeding from a wound on his head. He looked at you and smirked.

"This is nothing, I just need to stand up and-" Vergo came next to you two and kicked Law before he could finish the sentence. Then, he grabbed you from the neck, slightly choking you.

"Y/N-" Law was severely wounded, but tried to stand up and grab his katana. While Vergo was walking away with you, you tried to fight back, accumulating as much light as you could in your hands and using your power on the strong arm that was choking you. It was no use, as his whole body was covered in armament haki and your power wasn't at its finest.

You were about to pass out from the lack of air, when a flaming leg hit Vergo in the face, dropping you. Sanji was there to fight him. Law came next to you, making sure you were alright.

"Are you alright?" He asked you while holding you in his arms. "We need to get you out of here"

"Don't worry about me, what about you, that guy got you good" You said to him worried. Law didn't mind all the pain he went through, if he could protect the things he cared for, then it was worth taking damage, even if he didn't admit he cared that deeply for you.

"Guys, we need to get these people out of the ship, and use the last reserves of cola we have to escape" Nami said to the crew.

"After this one, we won't be able to run anymore" Franky announced. It was your last chance to run away from all the danger. You felt so bad for the situation you inadvertently caused. It didn't matter what you did, you always attracted danger wherever you went.

You were determined to solve this problem yourself, as you felt like a burden for needing to be protected all the time. You told Law everything was going to be ok, and smiling at him, your heart began to shine bright. A strong power started emanating from deep inside your heart. All the marines had their attention on you.

"So that's the power Joker wants . . ." Vergo muttered. Worried you could cause trouble, he was about to punch you and knock you out, but Law used his 'room' with the little strength he had left and changed you for a random marine.

After accumulating all the power you could in so little time and under such pressure. You unleashed a shock wave of light that affected everyone on the ship. You fell to your knees, not used to using so much power. Vergo and the rest of the marines were knocked down.

"Now is the time to get them out of the boat!" Shouted Zoro, also having been affected by the light wave. Sanji kicked Vergo to his ship, and Luffy grabbed Smoker and Tashigi with his stretched arms and threw them to the other marine ship.

"That girl" Smoker muttered laying on the floor of his boat, he was exhausted from the fight with Luffy and the burst of light you did. He slowly stood up, watching the Straw hats throwing the marines out of the Thousand Sunny to the other boats. He looked at you, tired from the energy you let out.

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