Season 10 | Episode 190: Hello, Stranger

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As the moon cast its pale light over the Mystic Falls Cemetery, a young couple found themselves entwined on one of the open graves, lost in the heat of the moment. The grave, a flat stone slab, provided a chilling backdrop to their passionate embrace.

The guy pressed the girl down onto the cold stone, their lips locked in a fervent kiss, oblivious to the eerie atmosphere beginning to envelop them.

Suddenly, a twig snapped nearby, shattering the tranquility of the night. The girl's eyes widened in alarm, and she pulled back slightly. "What was that?" she whispered, her voice trembling with unease.

The guy chuckled softly, trying to ease her fears. "Relax, babe. Probably just a raccoon or something. Nothing to worry about."

Convinced by his reassurance, the girl leaned in, their lips meeting once again. But as they resumed their embrace, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness, its movements swift and silent.

Before either of them could react, the creature lunged forward, grabbing the guy and tossing him away with terrifying speed and strength. The girl's scream pierced the night as she watched in horror, frozen in shock as the creature attacked.

As the vampire fed on her, the girl remained pinned to the cold stone of the grave, helpless and terrified.

Blood dripped from the girl's neck onto the cracked surface of the grave, each drop echoing in the silence of the night. Unbeknownst to them, the blood seeped into the ground, traveling ten feet through the earth to reach the mouth of the individual lying within, awakening a long-forgotten presence.

Slowly, the desiccated skin of the person began to regain color, a sign of life returning after years of slumber. With each drop of blood, the ancient figure stirred, his eyes fluttering open as he took his first breath in centuries, reborn into a world he no longer recognized.

In the cozy warmth of their home, Elena reclined on the couch, her seven-month baby bump prominently displayed. The dim lighting cast soft shadows on the walls as Damon moved about, preparing a late-night snack for them both.

Elena watched him with a fond smile, her fingers tracing absentminded patterns on her belly. Despite the late hour, she couldn't shake off a feeling of restlessness that seemed to linger in the air.

Damon emerged from the kitchen, balancing a tray of snacks and drinks. He settled beside her, placing the tray on the coffee table before wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"Snack time," he announced with a grin, his eyes flickering with amusement as he glanced at her.

Elena chuckled softly, reaching for a snack. "Thanks, Damon. You always know how to take care of me."

Damon leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to her temple. "Anything for my favorite girl and our little munchkin," he murmured then pressed a gentle kiss on her tummy.

As they nibbled on snacks, Elena's gaze wandered to the window, where the snowstorm outside seemed to rage with increasing intensity. The wind howled, and snowflakes swirled, creating a mesmerizing yet eerie scene against the darkness outside.

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