👢Striker x royal reader 🐍

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No one's pov:

" Here we go, your highness"
The shopkeeper/ slave-seller told you as he eacorted you into the cells were he keept all the unfortunate imps or hellhounds locked up.

You knew these demons were in the end just badly injured souls that this man had found helpless on the streets or in dumpsters and had just thrown them inside these cells like they were lab rats to control, to hurt, to test, to sell whenever he wanted to.

Their cries and screams of pleading echoed threw the dirty halls and almost made them sound like ghost screams

You'd usually never buy someone like this, you knew that it was very low of you to do this but you had to get more hands to work at your catsle after your father, Paimon  "accidently " went rampage on his last visit to your mansion and killed many of your imp butlers and guards. And there wasn't really anyone who willingly wanted to get a job as a servant at your catsle in such short notice so you had to do this.

You were looking for something strong, something that was fairly polite, something that could maybe kill? Eh, basicly just someone that could both come to good use for you and entertain you.

" Anything that sparks your intrest, my dear?"
He asked with a slurpy voice
" I have MANY creatures that could serve someone like you."

You didn't respond to that as your eyes drifted around the cell-hall that you both continued to walk down by, looking intensly for something good but all of them seemed netherless too ruthless, brutal and rude to be working for you.

You pinched the bridge of your nose
This was a mistake
You thought as you were getting very tired of this place already and was attempting to get out any seacond now but suddenly

" You fucking dipshit! Let me out of here right now!"

You hummed at that tone behind your back and turned around. Right there, at the cell infront of you were a very weird-looking imp in cowboy clothes and with a tail that had snake pattern on it. You would've seen more of his appeamve if it weren't for the weak light or the fact that he had heavy, metal chains wrapped around his body, holding him down on the cold floor underneath him.

His cell had clawmarks on them, he'd probably scratched them a few times before they put him in those chains.

You observed him for a few seaconds before tinting your head towards the shop-owner
" May i ask who's that?"

The man looked at the cage and his face imeddietly frowned in disguist
" Oh him..?"
He pointed at the imp

You hummed

" That's Striker..... i found him in the Greed ring for only a few weeks ago. He was badly hurt by a fire there and was all passed out, laying on the sidewalk. He's a huge fighter, severve anger issues and can barely communicate"

You nodded your head, echouraging him to continue
" He dosen't trust anyone that comes too close with him, he says that he used to be a blood-thirsty asassin and he can behave much like a wild animal at times, wich is another reason why i personaly think he belongs here"

This "Striker" let out a loud growl between his gritted teeth, not even looking either of you in the eyes.

You looked him up and down before speaking up in sharp voice
" I'll take him. Get the contract and the knife."

" What?!"
Both the shop-keeper and Striker exclaimed in suprise and shook, snapping their head towards you.

There was a pin drop silence, none of you speaking before the shop-keeper spoke up with a nervous smile
" B-b-but y-your majesty, you c-can choose something much better!"

Striker didn't seem to like it either as you scanned his face, wich was written in pure anger towards you both
" No! No way! Ain't no way that i'm gonna let myself getting sold like a little pet to a blue-blooded asshole like them!"
He hissed towards you but you didn't show any kind of fright , not even widening your eyes at him.

You were just amused by this little tantrum of his wich only reassured you that he was the perfect choice
" Pipe down, both of you."
you spoke up again and this this time in more authorothy and demand, making them both shut up
" I've made my choice, it's either him or no one here."
You gestured your hand to the shop-keeper
" Now be a dear and get me the contract and knife and let's get this over with"

He was hesitaint for a few seaconds but in the end knew not to talk back to a demon royalty, especially not one from the Arc Goetia so he quickly bowed and ran away to get the stuff as you took one another step to the cage.

" I do hope that you're comfortable in those chains my dear cause you're gonna spend much time with me in them. Well except that they're gonna be in all ( favorite color)."
You snicker down at him, obviously mocking him as his face twisted into a sour grimace.
" You fucking royal bitch...!"
He hissed with frustration laced in his voice

" It's really adorable when you try to make a stand against me"


" Alright, then you just have to cut the knife to get his blood and then sign it with it right here and so he's offically yours."
The shop-owner explained as he pointed to the contract.

You nodded your head before twirling your hand into the air, making the knife at the table beside you Rise up in a ( favorite color) cloud and aiming towards Striker who sat at a corner all chained up. His eyes widen in fright
" No! You won't do this with me! I ain't becomming your little pet! I refuse to accept that fate!"

You only scoffed at his pointless comment and controlled the knife to cut a huge scar on his cheek and collecting whatever little dricker of blood that came to spill as you collected all of it inside your featherd pen.

" No!"
Striker screamed as you sighed the paper in his blood.

He could only close his eyes shut as ( favorite color) lights started to appear all over his body, suprisingly it didn't hurt at all and when it was done he could feel a hard force around his neck. He open his eyes and looked down but nothing was around my neck but it was as if something large, heavy and invisable was wrapped around it

" Now he's all yours "
The shopkeeper told you, got up and went away to his office as you stepped up to him with a smirk

Striker didn't even look at you, he knew you owner him now but that dosen't mean he'll obey you like some mindless idiot.

" Come on now, let's go home now~"
You cooed in a toxic-sweet tone as you snapped your fingers wich shatterd the chains around his body into small dust. He feelt like he could run but yet couldn't due to the pulling feeling around his neck.

He knew that this was gonna be Hell for him being your slave but he wasn't gonna make it easy for you either....

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