💐Lucifer x reader ( FLUFF) 💐

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No one's pov:

You looked yourself in the long, golden-pattern mirror as you finnish adjusting your nearly ironed, red, work-outfit and brushing off your shoulders before dusting off yourself one last time. The straighten material from your clothing was still slightly hot and feelt so nice against your skin. You titted your head up only to notice that your hairline was crooked wich led you to pick up the brush and rapidly fixing it. You were so ready for work today, Charlie and the others were probably awake by this moment and soon you had to be there.

Hells warming,morning light shone fierscly threw your bedroom window, lighting up everything in the room accompany you such warm comfort that you smiled and hugged yourself with a genuine smile plasterd on your lips. It wasn't often that this cruel underworld would have such soothing mornings like this so when it did arrive you'd be sure to relish it while it lasted. You could hear the beutiful cracks and roars of Hells hybrid birds in the distance and the smell of explostions and blood from the Pride rings town beside the catsle, it was barely noon and demons and sinners was already causing pain and agonizing mysery all over this underworld.

You beemedin satisfaction by your reflection in the fancy mirror, admiring yourself and your apperence. Yes, everything seemed to be going just fine and-


Soon after you stopped midsentence when you sensed that someone was right behind you, that someone was trying to sneak up behind you.

All type of scenarios was running threw your head in that moment, had someone or SOMETHING seaked inside the castle? Despite the security? How strong was it? What did it want? Why dosen't Luci know about this?

Then you heard light footsteps behind you, it sounded like cleaking heels, getting closer and closer...........

Your throath tighten but you collected all your courage to attack whoever was stepping behind you so in a swift move you turned around with your fists tighten and your teeth gritten together, expecting something terrible and strong but your expression turned into confusion when you faced a giant duck.....?

You squinted your eyes as you tilted your head to the left, observing it intensly. Hmm.,,,,It looked like some sort of masqeruade costume judging by the plastic yet fluffy-looking material and the google-eyes.

Then it suddenly let out a cute little quack sound that you couldn't help but find absolutely adorable and it made you smile softly at it, figuring out what it must be as you walked up to it and took off the giant mask to reveal Lucifer, his smile reaching up to his red cheeks as he beemed in glee at you with his eyes sparkled.

" Luci?"
You asked bluntly but couldn't hide your gentle expression

He simply nodded like a proud kid showing something off to his parents
" Yes my sweet!"
He then giggled like a little girl before making an adorable little pose infront of you, letting out another squeak sound that seemed to beelong to a rubber duck.
" What do you think?" He stuck his snake-tounge out

Your hand clasped over your mouth but even that couldn't stop the numerous laughs from escaping your mouth as you walked up to your partner again, leaned to peck on his porceline skinn
" I love it, you're so cute my little duckling"

Lucifers eyes went wide open with sparkles upon hearing your positive comeback plus, getting a kiss on his forhead.

Mission accomplish!

Then you were just about to grab your bag to leave for work but a pair of short, yellow-gloved arms wrapped around your waist, lifting you up before poffing the both of you only to end up under the red,fluffy covers on your shared king-sized bed.

You gasped lightly as you bounced on the bed, processing what just happen before Lucifer appeared infront of you, standing on his knees on the bed in blue pj's with little ducks pattern on it before litearly attack you, snuggling up to your chest, purring.

You couldn't deny that he was being adorable right now, hugging you like you were a teddy bear and digging his face into your hair, sniffing your scent.

BUT! You knew that you couldn't fool around now when tasks were waiting for you at the hotel tho you didn't want to make Lucifer unhappy so you raised your hand and ran your fingers threw his soft,golden locks, whispering to him" Ok, Luci, let me go now"

" No" He pouted, looking up at you with his lower lip wobbling

" Luci" You spoke up again, sounding more demanding

" You're mine" He whined, sounding more needy than before.

You knew that he didn't like you going to work at times, infact he'd sometimes INSIST that you just quit woeking at the hotel and klet him provide for you but you politely decline the offer cause you geniunely liked working for his daugther.

And it's thanks to the job that you atcually meet this duck-obsessed dork.

You sighed as you continued to rufffle his soft hair, trying hard to reason with him" Yes i know, but i have work for today"

" Don't care, you're mine."

" Luci...."

" MINE.....!"

Eventually you knew that in the end this stubborn little blondie wouldn't budge so you let put a defeated huff and smirked " Ok, i guess i can take the day off..." You started to cuddle him up into a hug, wich made the man blush in delight that his plan worked sucessfully.

Now it was just you and him, snuggling in bed, watching a really fun movie and eating still-warm pancakes that ÖLucifer had preoeared especially for you.

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