"Two weeks is pathetic." Lindsey was huffing and puffing, arms out at his sides and doing nearly everything except throwing himself on the floor to have a full on temper tantrum.
Rolling his eyes, Mick shifted in his chair as he glanced around the room lazily. "You can always leave early if the work gets done." He mumbled as he brought his lit cigar back to his lips, taking a puff before letting a cloud of smoke fill the tainted air around them.
"Why can't we just skip the fucking hassle and work from here?" He hated the idea of packing up and spending two weeks in Hawaii, even if it was supposed to be fun... He had better ideas of fun.
"Watch your mouth." Stevie was sitting crisscross, applesauce on the floor in front of the mirror, fixing her eye makeup for what seemed like the tenth time.
It was really late, the sun having set hours earlier, yet they were still at the studio... like always.
At that time, it felt like they had devoted every waking moment to the music and since Stevie's sleep schedule was backwards, their days all blended together when she demanded they stay so late to work... It put everyone in a bad mood, but especially Lindsey.
Creasing a brow, he let out a soft scoff as he turned in the swivel chair to look at her. "No one was even talking to you." He announced, blue eyes narrow and annoyed. "Worry about your fucking self for once." He added, still staring at her for a reaction as he casually brought his foam cup up to his lips to take a sip.
She finally looked up, jaw settling as she saw that stupid smirk roll across his face. "You're an idiot." She wanted to call him something else, but she didn't want to sound like a hypocrite about the cussing.
He chuckled a tad, very aware of the fact that he had gotten under her skin... just what he wanted to do. "You really expect me to spend two weeks with Cruella and all her pals?" Lindsey was teasing her at that point, only because he thought it was funny when she would get worked up...
Sometimes she took everything too serious... But so did Lindsey.
"Two weeks will go by like this." Mick snapped his fingers lightly, trying to make it sound a little better than it would be.
"It'll be fine, Lindsey." Carol's voice rang through the room a second later as she lingered in the doorway with a baby on her hip. "It sounds like fun." She added with a gentle smile as her eyes met his from across the room.
Lindsey grinned instantly, nodding lightly. "Maybe."
Stevie pursed her lips to the side, still looking at herself in the mirror to make sure she hadn't smudged her eye liner. "Well, if Carol Ann thinks we can do it, we can do it." The sarcasm was obvious, which caused the other blonde to sink down instantly. "After all," Stevie began to push herself up off the pillow she'd been sitting on, setting her makeup down on the coffee table. "She is the boss, huh?" She could be harsh and for some reason, that night, she was really feeling it.
"Stevie..." Mick shook his head, watching her trail through the room.
"There's my baby." She held out her two hands, a soft laugh escaping her when the little girl threw herself forward to get her mom.
Carol shifted awkwardly once the baby had slipped out of her arms, leaning into the doorframe as she watched the girl's two little hands meet Stevie's cheeks.
"Hi!" She squealed the only word she knew besides mama.
"Hi, sweetie pie." Lindsey came up behind her, reaching out to carefully pinch the baby's chubby cheeks. "Where's your brother?" He wondered, eyes traveling back towards Carol as a soft, reassuring smile traveled across his face.
He knew it wasn't easy- not with the band, not with the kids and definitely not with Stevie...
"He's with Lori and Sharon, getting some ice cream." Carol Ann replied, tilting her head to the side as she continued to watch Penelope snuggle into Stevie.
"Here, baby." She lightly kissed the top of her head and then started to pass her back over to Carol Ann. "Take her back to Lori." She wasn't sure why she wasn't with them to begin with.
"Why do you have to be like that?" Lindsey didn't hesitate to reach out, taking his daughter away from Stevie. "You're a real piece of work." He mumbled, shaking his in disbelief as he motioned for his girlfriend to lead the way out of the room. "Let's leave your mom to sit in here and whine."
"Pick up your feet." Lindsey was following behind her with Penelope in his arms and Carol at his side.
"Just shut up." Stevie mumbled, holding their sons hand in hers as they headed towards the private plane that had been waiting for them... The last group on as always.
"Stop." Carol Ann whispered as well, shaking her head as she nudged his arm.
She didn't want any arguing, not right as they were getting ready to get on a plane for the next couple of hours... Being stuck with Stevie and Lindsey in such a compact place while they were bumping heads was dreadful.
Lindsey shrugged it off, biting his tongue and following them up the stairs without another word.
"Are you gonna sit with dad?" Stevie asked their three year old son as she turned around to take Penny.
"There's my little dude." He playfully ruffled Brady's brown curls and motioned for him to head to the back, where all the other guys were hanging out.
"Stevie?" Sara caught her attention as soon as she was about to travel in the opposite direction. "Can we talk for a minute?" She wondered in a gentle tone of voice as she pointed to the empty seat next to her.
Raising a brow, the blonde glanced down at her for only a brief moment and then slipped right passed her to get to the other end of the plane, where her real friends were.... The ones that didn't have affairs with Stevie's boyfriend.
And they all knew, before the plane even reached full altitude that it would be a long couple of weeks together.