Chapter 17

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At BPD:Morgue

Maura: It doesn't look like he did much jogging.

Jane: Well, he didn't. His gluteal aponeurosis and maximus have very poor definition.

Maura: Oh, let's not talk about his butt.

Jane: There's a gash in his sartorius.

Maura: You mean his thigh?

Jane: No, I mean his sartorius. It's a muscle in the thigh. Can you see all this bruising and this gash?

Maura: It's probably from the front of the grille that hit him. Jane, we got to find this hit-and-run car. Is there anything in the wound?

Jane: Hmm. Let me take a look. Hmm.
I see particulates. Blue and gray. I'll get them analyzed.

Maura: I don't know what I'm gonna miss more-walking or driving my own car.

Jane: Well, you shouldn't be doing either. You should be home, icing your foot.

Maura: I just never realized how important my car was to me, you know?

Jane: I hope this isn't personal.

Maura: What's that supposed to mean?

Jane: Well, I-it could be a form of grown-up teasing. You know, Rafael likes you, but he's frustrated because you're not interested.

Maura: What?! Don't be ridiculous. Well, he took Frost's car, too. I don't think he's attracted to him. I know detectives who have quit when they took their cars. And-and and I get it, you know? We spend our entire lives with dead people And that's how they thank us? (to the body) No disrespect.

Jane: He says, "none taken." What? What's that? He says, "you're a great detective." Find out who did this to me."

Maura: Yeah, Don Corleone has nothing on you. Just when I thought I was out, You pull me back in! Hi! Mm.
I got it. I got it.

Jane's phone goes off.

Jane: It's Casey. He has a break and wants to talk.

Maura: Casey wants to talk?

Jane: I guess. He says he wants to talk to both of us.

Maura: Let's go upstairs.

On the Video Chat In the Bullpen

Casey: If it were me, I'd come down with the blue flu till I got my car back.

Maura: No, you wouldn't. Especially if you were looking for someone who mowed down a teacher. I mean, it's almost like killing a cop.

Casey: So, all you've got is part of a light bulb and skid marks.

Maura: Yeah.

Casey: You're gonna need encyclopedia brown for this one.

Jane: That's funny! Is it really awful there?

Casey: Yeah. It's dusty and hot, but I'm okay. They call Bagram airfield "camp cupcake" for a reason.

Maura: Good desserts?

Casey: Job's okay. Look at this. My own man can.

Jane: Oh, a man can. Yeah. Gosh. It's positively palatial.

Casey: So, how are things going with you two?

Jane: Well, we're engaged for one. Also, you'll never believe who we found was still alive. Our parents.

Casey: Your parents are alive?

Maura: Yeah, someone was after them, so they had to fake their death and act like they were dead until they caught the guy.

Casey: That's nice. I can't wait to see them. I'm gonna have to say goodbye. I'll talk to you guys later. I might be home soon. I don't know when. We can catch up.

Jane&Maura: Okay.

Martinez: So, that's the famous Casey, huh?

Jane: Yeah.

Martinez: I hear he's in Afghanistan.

Jane: Yeah, he's, uh, working with soldiers who have PTSD.

Martinez: You miss him?

Jane: Yeah. I do. He was a good friend.

Martinez: (to Maura) Look, I'm sorry about taking your car. You know it isn't personal, right?

Maura: Okay.

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