Chapter 12

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Minju and I were sitting in the bus together on our way to the beach. I was so excited just because we were going to let this drama come to an end with Kim Jang-mi that brat. Minju tapped my arm gently and turned her body to face me. "If you don't really have anyone to talk to at the party you can always come over and talk to me" she smiled warmly. I nodded and smiled back at her and enjoyed the view of the moon in the sky.

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Minju and I got off the bus and everyone went to set up the fire and set up the snacks. Minju went over to help with the snacks and nodded me goodbye. I went over to find Niki helping Chae-won with something. I went over but someone grabbed my arm. I hesitated and pushed them away almost making the person fall down. I stood there as the boy got up and groaned in pain. He then fixed his posture and looked at me. It was Sunghoon. "Oh I'm so sorry Sunghoon my bad" he dusted his clothes off and said "No it's okay I shouldn't have grabbed your arm so aggressively" I chuckled awkwardly and tried to see if Jake or Heesung was near by so I could leave quickly. "So I was wondering if you would like to hang out tonight, you said you didn't know me well so this is the perfect opportunity to know me better." I hesitated to answer because tonight Heesung was going to confront Kim Jang-mi and her friend. Before I could answer I felt someone's arm rap around my shoulders."Sorry Sunghoon she's mine tonight" I looked up and was relieved to see Heesung. "What do you mean she's yours?.." Sunghoon replied looking irritated. "Well Y/n and I were
actually planning to spend the night together" "Ohhh yeah right I remember now, so sorry Sunghoon maybe another time" I smiled awkwardly and Heesung grabbed my arm quickly so we could go somewhere else. We then suddenly burst out laughing while walking on the sand together. "So I'm yours now" I giggled. Heesung then choked dew to what I said. He then hesitated to answer. "I didn't really mean it" he chuckled. I laughed and said. "I know, I know" We then walked for a bit in silence, I then said to brake the silence. "Where's Jake?" He took awhile to answer "His with Minju" "Oh really?" "Yep,should we go find Niki?" He asked. "Uhm I don't think so he seems like his enjoying his time, I saw him with Chae-won." Heesung then smiled "Wow that's surprising after the truth or dare incident" I chuckled "Yeah I guess..." Heesung then took awhile to answer again. "Uhm let's go find Jake let's not bother those two" he teasely said. I nodded and smiled.
Heesung and I walked for a bit and spotted Jake talking and laughing with Minju. We then ran over to Jake. "Hey Jake are you ready for tonight?" I asked. "Oh hey Heesung and Y/n, Uhm yeah I'm ready." Minju looked at all of us in confusion."Uhm if you don't mind Minju but we need to talk to Jake for awhile." Heesung said. Minju then nodded and left us alone for awhile.

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We then approached Kim Jang-mi and her friend. She then looked up after taking a sip of her Cola and looked at us in confusion. "Uhm what's going on why are you all her-" "We know what you did Kim Jang-mi, don't act clueless" Heesung interpreted. Her face then became very red. "Heesung I-" "What was the reason for this!" He shouted while pointing at my plaster. She stood there frozen. Her friend then spoke up. "She just wanted to get to know you Heesung" "But she decided to use violence?" Jake added. "She wouldn't answer us!!" Kim Jang-mi shouted. She then came closer to Heesung. "Heesung I just really, really like you and I want to-" "Stop, I'm sorry but I don't like you"he answered ,she then stood there as tears build up in her eyes. Suddenly she grabbed her Cola in frustration and splashed it all over us and shouted "WHY ,WHY ALL I DID WAS TRY AND GET YOUR ATTENTION, I TRIED EVERYTHING BUT YOU STILL SEEM TO NOT CARE LEE HEESUNG WHY WHY" she cried and fell to the floor as her friend comforted her. "Maybe I didn't seem to notice you because you try to hard" he replied coldly. She then grew very mad and jumped up and pulled my hair very hard. "ITS ALL YOUR FAULT I KNEW YOU WOULDN'T KEEP YOUR DAMN MOUTH SHUT!" I then shouted in pain. "WHAT THE HECK IS YOUR PROBLEM." Then Jake pushed Kim Jang-mi off me making her fall down to the floor. "Your making such a fuss over suck bullcrap!"he shouted. Heesung then sighed. "You really think I would like a girl who is so naive and violent, and if you think you can tell Mr Lee about this just know you're the one in the wrong Kim Jang-mi now leave us alone from now on" We then left leaving her on the floor with her friend standing there in complete shock. Heesung's phone then rang suddenly he took his phone."oh I need to take this" he then ran off to answer the phone. Jake and I continued walking and it was very awkward after what had just happened. I then felt very cold and started to cough. "Are you good?" He asked sounding concerned. "Mhm, yea I'm fine" I said while rubbing my head. "We should probably hurry sence we are all wet and it's cold outside, You could get sick." I agreed and started to run to the closest restrooms on the beach.

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I was done cleaning up went outside and saw Jake waiting for me. I smiled "you didn't have to wait in the cold Jake" "Nah it's fine I don't mind really." We then went over to the fire and took a seat. "I-*coughs*" Jake then looked up at me "Are you getting sick?" I shook my head and smiled. "I wanted to say I'm sorry for troubling you with Kim Jang-mi and thank you I'm so happy it's over." Jake smiled. "Don't be sorry it's not your fault, Im glad you to-" I then began to cough once again interrupting Jake." "Im so sorry" I sniffed. "Y/n I think your catching a cold" "What?, no I'm okay I promis-" I then froze as I felt Jake put his jacket on me and rub my hands so they could get warm. "Do you want to go back to your room?" He asked. "U..Uhm no no it's fine" I then stood up and suddenly felt really dizzy. I then lost my balance and slipped. Jake then hesitated and quickly caught me. I looked up and saw that's our faces were inches apart. My face then became red. As he stared into my eyes for a long time. "Ahem... am I interrupting something..?" Jake and I suddenly jumped up from being frightened. "Oh uh Niki" I chuckled.

{Heyy guys I'm finally done with exams so hopefully I will be able to update more often and hope you enjoy this extra long chapter!!}

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