Chapter 14

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It was an early morning, the alarm going off as I laid in bed. I absolutely didn't have the energy to get out of bed plus I felt horrible. "Y/n get up do you want to be late again?!" Hyunjin shouted from his room. "Ahh.... Fine gosh." I replied. I then slowly got out of bed and sulked all the way to the kitchen. "Wow, you look like you just walked out a natural disaster or something". "Oh shut up" I said while biting into my toast. "Y/n, I might come home late again, I have to work on a project with my partner at his place." "Okay, make sure to text me once you arrive there" "Mmm" Hyunjin nodded.
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"Y/n, Y/n!" I turned around quickly as I heard someone shout for me. Minju then ran up to me and hugged me tight. I smiled and hugged her back. "You seem to be happy about something" I chuckled. "Mhm" she smiled. She then locked her arms with mine as we walked together. "Well I was actually thinking Heesung, Jake, Niki you and I should have a study group together" "Oh yea that's not a bad idea Minju!" "I mean it would be fun and exams are next week!" She exclaimed. "Mm how about we both ask them today?"  I asked. Minju nodded while smiling from ear to ear. The bell then suddenly went off and I grabbed Minju as we ran down the hall to class together. As we made it to class I took my seat. Niki looked up from his phone. "You guys made it just in time"
I turned to him still trying to catch my breath. "Oh hey, yea I'm glad we did" "Hey Jake you look really tired" Minju smiled. Jake then looked up from his book. "Oh hey Minju, do I really look that tired?" He replied. "Yea, but you still look good as ever!" She laughed. I just looked at Minju and Jake back and forth as they spoke. Since when did Jake and Minju get so close I thought to myself. I felt a bit jealous as I saw them talking. "So Jake want to hang out this weekend?" Please say no I thought. "Uhh it's exams next week so I'm not sure" "Oh okay" Minju pouted. Jake then felt guilty "Uh no, it's fine yea let's hang out this weekend" "Really?!, thanks Jake" Minju smiled as Jake scratched the back of his nape and chuckled. I didn't really like the idea of Minju and Jake going out together alone. Heesung then ran in the room and took a seat. "Dude you were so close to being late" Jake said while dabbing him up. "I know right" he said while panting heavily. He then turned to look at the rest of us. "Good morning." We all greeted Heeseung. "Y/n can I borrow a pencil?" He asked. "Y/n?" "Huh, oh sorry yeah here Heesung" "nah it's good.." "Are you okay Y/n" I then looked up and Minju looked a bit concerned."Yea, I was just lost in space I guess" I chuckled awkwardly. "Yea right" Niki said coldly. "Oh shut up Niki" Niki then laughed. I turned to face my desk and rested my head on my desk. The truth is I couldn't stop thinking about Jake and Minju going out together, I mean it's not much of a problem so I don't get why I'm so jealous."Good morning my fellow students" We all got up and greeted Mr Lee and took our seats. "Well you guys all know that exams start next week, so I want you guys to work extra hard for these last days before exams, I don't have much to worry about you Sunghoon righttt?" Sunghoon was the top in class and was Mr Lee's favourite. "Yes sir" he replied formally. "As for the rest of you I want to see good results, I want to see good echeviments in this class alright?" "Yes Mr Lee" we all shouted. "I hope so" Mr Lee smiled.

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Class was over and it was lunch time. I made my way to the restroom before going to the cafeteria. I then spotted Minju and Jake in the corner together. I know it would be wrong if I stopped and ease dropped but I wanted to see what they were doing."Jake I actually have something for you" "Oh really?" "Yep" Minju then took out a bracelet that had his initial on it. She then pulled another one out but with her initial. "Look we can have matching bracelets to celebrate our friendship" she grinned. Jake then took a look at the bracelets and smiled at her. "Wow Minju that's so thoughtful of you, thank you" Jake then took his bracelet and put it in his bag. Minju then tried to put hers on. "Hold on let me help you." Jake then grabbed her hand and helped her connect the two ends together. Minju turned slightly red and thanked him and smiled. Jake smiled back and Minju came closer and hugged him softly. Jake looked surprised and just stood there as she hugged his body not knowing what to do at that moment. I then watched in silence as I felt my heart burn inside. I then ran to the restroom and tried to keep myself from crying. They are only friends so there is no need to get jealous but no matter how hard I tried I felt like my heart was burning to ashes when I saw them together.

{Jake's POV}
I was on my way to the cafeteria when Minju grabbed my jacket to stop me. I turned to her in confusion. She then gave me a bracelet with my initial and had her own with her initial. I was surprised because we hadn't been friends for long but I didn't think much of it cause Minju always seemed to be the cheerful, kind type. Plus it would be so mean if I didn't take it from her since it was like a gift, she could have used all her pocket money on it for me or something. I took the bracelet and put it in my bag because I didn't want to lose it, I would be playing basketball with Heesung today. I was really surprised when she suddenly hugged me. I had no idea how to react so I just let her hug me although she was grabbing on my shirt a bit, I didn't do anything as she wrapped her arms around me.
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I made my way to the cafeteria trying to keep myself together. I then collected my food and spotted Niki. I took a seat next to him and started to eat. "Where is the rest?" I asked Niki. "There probably still in the line" he said while chewing. I nodded and continued eating more. Then I saw Jake, Heesung and Minju approaching us. "Heyy" Heesung smiled. They all took there seats and Minju took her seat next to Jake. I was shocked because she would usually sit next to me at lunch. "Sorry the line was a bit busier today" Jake said. "It's okay your here now" I smiled as I looked at his face, I couldn't help but admire his beauty and sneak a few glances at his face. Jake was devouring his food, he seemed pretty hungry and I laughed to myself thinking how does he still look cute while eating. Minju then took a tissue. "Oh you got something on your face Jake" she then quickly took the tissue and cleaned it off his face. "Uh thanks.." Jake chuckled. I choked on my food as I watched the two of them . Niki quickly turned to me as I kept on coughing. He then handed me his bottle of water. I took a sip as he rubbed and patted my back gently. "Are you okay Y/n?!" Niki asked looking concerned. "Yea" I sighed. "What's the matter?" Heesung then asked. "No it's nothing." "Are you sick" Jake asked. "No I'm fine" I said while shoving more food in my mouth. "Relax eat slower" Niki said still patting her back to make sure she wouldn't choke again. I then sighed and got up from my seat. I'm not hungry , I'm going to the library." I then ran to the library in frustration to stop thinking about those two. I then looked around the library to see if I had any interest in a book. As I strolled around the library I had finally settled on a book it was a murder mystery. It seemed interesting so I grabbed it and took a seat next to a boy that seemed to be focused on his book. I then turned to see what he was reading and he suddenly turned quickly to look straight into my eyes. I then immediately gasped as I saw his face. He then covered my mouth to keep me quiet . "We are in a library remember" he whispered. "Oh yea sorry,'s you" "oh from the library by the hotel?" "Y..yea.." "i seemed to notice you too when you entered the library." "I had no idea you were in this school." "Wow am I that invisible" "no, no I just haven't seen you around,what's your class?" "D7, Mr Junseo." "My Physics teacher?!" "Shut up!" He said while covering my mouth again. "Oh sorry" I whispered. "Your in Mr Lee's class right?" "Yea I am" "Mm I see" "Choi Soobin" I then turned around as I saw a tall boy behind me. "Oh hey Min-ho " "We have to go now" he then turned to me. "Well I got to go I'll catch you later" he then left with his friend. So that's his name, Choi Soobin I thought to myself.

{Thank you for reading till the very end of this chapter!, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and stay tuned for the next!!}

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