Chapter 20

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It was an early school morning and I was walking to school on the pavement. It was still really early so the sun wasn't completely out yet it was only slowly peeking out behind a cloud. I entered my classroom and sighed I was so freaking anxious for our first exam ,Geography. When I took my seat I looked around in my class, My eyes landed on Sunghoon he was studying, I have been avoiding him ever since he confessed his feeling for me. I know it's wrong of me but I don't want to end up hurting him because I don't have any interest in him whatsoever. He looked up at me and gave me a nonchalant smile I smiled back and rested my body on my chair. Ni-ki entered the classroom, he always arrived when I did. Ni-ki smiled when our eyes met and he greeted me. He took his seat behind me and nudged my shoulder. "You ready for today?" "I guess, I'm just so damn nervous." I said while picking my lips. Ni-ki grabbed my hand and held it gently. "Stop picking your lips I know you do that when you're stressed, it's okay I'm sure everything will go well." I stared into his eyes feeling rather surprised at his sudden behaviour. He stared back at me with his eyes landing on my lips and then my face again. I gulped as it suddenly grew awkward. Jake and Heeseung then entered the classroom and Ni-ki let go of my hand quickly and looked away. Thank god.. I thought as I tried to comprehend what just happened. "Good morning." They both said in unison. "Aren't you supposed to be at your class Heeseung?" Ni-ki asked. "I wanted to just pop in and say good morning before the exam starts, you know like give you guys some encouragement." "Well I wish you the best of luck on your exam today." Ni-ki grinned. Heeseung smiled and patted Ni-ki's back. I then flinched up after remembering something. Oh, I still have Jake's jacket. I searched in my bag for his jacket and smiled when I found it. I took it out of my bag and tapped Jake's shoulder to get his attention. He looked up from his phone and looked at me curiously. "I forgot to give you your jacket back yesterday, I made sure to wash it don't worry!" I smiled. Jake cleared his throat and fixed his posture. He looked at his jacket and then to my direction until our eyes met again. "You can keep it, it looks better on you anyway." I felt shocked after hearing him. His giving me his jacket??. I tried my best not to giggle or smile right there. "Uh okay, thanks again Jake." I smiled and gave him a small wink.

{Jake's POV:}
I felt Heeseung's intriguing gaze on us and the way Ni-ki kinda grimaced at me. I stood up quickly as the tension was rising. I let out a loud sigh and said. "Heeseung you should probably head to your class now I'll drop you off." Heeseung nodded still looking confused as hell. He grabbed his stuff and said goodbye to the rest before leaving the classroom. We walked in the crowded chaotic school hallways in silence until he spoke up. "So what was that about?" He smirked. "It's a long story." I sighed. Heeseung put his arm around my shoulder and chuckled. "You should tell your dear best friend you know.." I laughed "I'll tell you later don't worry." Heeseung frowned as we reached his classroom. "Ugh, now I have to wait for you to tell me." He said while smacking my bag. I groaned and smacked him on his arm. "Be patient, now go inside you dumbass." "Okay damn, don't miss me too much though pookie." "Trust me I won't." I cackled. I was about to leave when Heeseung grabbed my wrist. "You're not even going to give me a good-bye kiss?" He said in a high pitched voice while pouting at me. I grimaced at him and stuck my tongue in disgust. "No" "okay, bye pookie." I nudged him hard on his shoulder as I laughed constantly. "Shut up."

(Back to Y/N's POV:)
I sat in the classroom not a sound coming from any of the students I checked the time on the annual clock on the classroom wall and my eyes Instantly lit up. "Okay students, please put your pens down, your time is up!" Mr Lee said, who was there to assist us for our first exam. Mr Lee collected all our papers and we all waited quietly to be dismissed by the bell. The bell suddenly rang and everyone got up from their seats and packed up like a bunch of maniacs. I was packing up as Jake and Ni-ki waited for me, we were planning to crash at Jake's place and study there today. Once I had finally finished packing we made our way to Heeseung's class. He looked up at us and smiled. "Heyy, where's Minju?" He asked. Suddenly we heard running in the hallways and she ran in the classroom gasping for air. "S-sorry I needed to use the restroom." She said still panting heavily. We all laughed "alright, let's guarrr!" Jake exclaimed

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Jake opened his front door and let us all inside warmly. Once we entered the warm house my eyes landed on the cutest fluffy dog running towards us panting and wagging its tail. Aww who is this cute dog? Jake immediately ran to the dog and hugged it tightly. "Awh, did you miss me?" The dog licked Jake's face and I giggled as I saw the dog turn over on its back so Jake could rub its stomach. "Whose a good girl?" Jake said in a high pitched voice. Heeseung smiled and petted the dog gently. "Do you still remember me Layla?" She barked at Heeseung as if she responded with a "yes" and licked his face. Heeseung chuckled. "How come I didn't see Layla when I stayed over the other night?" "She was probably taking her long afternoon naps in the garden like she always does." Jake then looked up at Minju ,Ni-ki and I who where still standing by the entrance. "Oh, this is Layla my dog, your welcome to pet her she's really friendly." We all did as Jake said and started to pet her . "She's so adorable!" Minju exclaimed. Jake's mom then approached us with a big smile. "Hey everyone!"she hugged Jake tight and kissed his forehead. "So these are all your new friends Ikeu?" Ikeu?? Jake chuckled awkwardly. "Uh, mom we talked about this." "What are you embarrassed that Ikeu is your nickname." "No-" "Aw, don't be ashamed that you're a mommy's boy Jake." Ni-ki said trying his best not to laugh. "Oh of course his a mama's boy, his my little angel pie." She said while kissing his forehead again.

{Jake's POV:}
I watched as  Heeseung, Minju, Ni-ki and Y/n tried their best not to burst out laughing. Oh gosh can I just disappear from existence. I gave my mom a "it's enough" look and cleared my throat. "Uh, anyway shall we go to my room now" They all nodded still trying not to laugh at me. "Come here Layla." Layla got up from her laying position and followed me as I quickly ran upstairs to my room out of embarrassment.

{Back to Y/N's POV:}
I entered Jake's room and Layla ran passed me and sat on Jake's single bed. I looked around his room and he had some comic books and figureines. He had carpet floors and a gaming chair with a PC. He also had a TV in his room with two consoles. It looks like Jake's hobby is gaming. Jake quickly grabbed a mini table that could fold so it fit under his bed perfectly. He placed the table in the middle of his room. "We can sit over here on the floor." I grabbed my books and set up on the table and took a seat on the warm carpet floor. "Your room is so neat and organised." I chuckled. Jake smiled and took a seat next to me. "Trust me it's not always like this." Heeseung said while they all set there books nicely on the table and took there seats. "Oh shut up you dumbass." "Do you play league of legends?" Ni-ki asked sounding excited. "Oh, yeah of course ." "We should totally play together sometime." Jake nodded. "I guess you love to game." Minju chucked. "Yep!" Jake responded. He then flinched up as if he remembered something and took something out of his bag. He placed it by my books and I saw a chocolate milk. I fixed my gaze on him and looked at him in confusion. "To help you focus, oh I made sure to get you chocolate this time because it's your favourite. I smiled and thanked him feeling a flutter in my chest. He actually remembered.. I then grabbed my pen and started to write and stopped when I felt my ankle get slightly wet. I looked down and chuckled when I saw Layla licking my ankle. I pet her back gently and giggled when she licked my face and placed her head on my lap. "I think she likes you." Jake smiled."she's so cute" I said as I watched Layla rest her eyes and lay her head on my lap gently.

Starstruck L.O.V.E.R.S (Jake FF) <3Where stories live. Discover now