Part 1

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         Myern was a lovely kingdom. It had fresh vegetation and endless fertile lands, a rich social landscape, and it was an overall hotspot for Nobel families. But most of all it was where not only the Royal family resided, but the duchy of Myern was also. Lady Lucienne Delverne was the daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Myern. She was a beautiful woman that men would beg to court, but since she had only just had her coming of age ceremony, all requests were strictly denied by her doting father. Lucienne had silky, dark blue hair, the likes of which reached almost to her knees. Everyone in the duchy was completely infatuated with her. Her father, Ruden Delverne, saw bits of her late mother in her and spoiled her to his hearts content. He was a stern and unfriendly man who magically became a soft dog around his daughter. He did his best to keep her safe in the comforts of their lavish home, afraid of what the work would do to his daughter's kind heart. Every marriage proposal he received in turn of his daughter sent a surge of anger through his body. He had fought in the previous war and maintained a healthy physique despite his greying hair, so every letter he received was given back to his assistant in a shape almost unidentifiable as when it was handed to him. Lucienne was his last born. The oldest, his heir and Lucienne's oldest brother, was Colvette. Colvette was just as serious as his father, having been trained since birth to take over the duchy. He was extremely knowledgeable and was quite the sight. He had yet to take a lady's hand in marriage but if he wanted to he could have any pick of ladies, as everyone was racing to be the next duchess. Not only for status but to be with THE Colvette Delverne. He was extremely kind to his young sister. Having been the oldest, Colvette had the most memories of his mother. He remembered her as a kind and lovable woman, just like his sister. He made sure that she was the first he reported to after a long expedition or trip and made time in his busy schedule to help with her studies. He most enjoyed her company because she would always listen intently to his battle stories. Not that he cared of showing off, but it made his sacrifices seem valued, something he dearly appreciated. And just under him were the twins. Rudnine and Kalin. The twins were inseparable since birth and despite denying the accusation profusely, were identical in looks as they were personality. Rudnine, older than his twin brother by 2 minutes, was extremely eccentric and boyish. Much to the dismay of his elders. Kalin was loud and obnoxious. He seemed to have a certain distain for sitting idle. They both enjoyed playing with their sister and were serious only when it came to her. And the youngest of course was Lucienne. Lucienne had only recently come of age and had been recently sheltered in her home. She had taken private lessons and knew only the faces and names of the main royal family. The queen, king, and the heir to the throne. She did not know the face of the second prince though. Only his name had been taught to her. She was taught the basic Nobel families and etiquette. She was let out of the duchy for shopping trips but she had to be heavily guarded. When not busy, her dad would accompany her on these trips. Seeing her frugal spending, her dad would excessively spend on her, buying entire store stocks and ordering only the finest of custom made apparel. People being people, rumors circulated, speaking of a vain and cruel young daughter of the duke. They told tales of her using her beautiful face to play nice in front of her father in order to make him spend the most on her. Despite these stories, in reality Lucienne did not enjoy when her father spent too much on her. She only wished to be free to exit and come back to the duchy as she pleased. And since her lavish debut party held only a week ago, she had been mentally preparing herself to finally wander as she pleased with only one guard. Her father of course assigned the top of his soldiers to escort her. Though he was intimidating, Lucienne found comfort in knowing she had a professional near her. Lucienne stepped out onto the Main Street and smelled the air. She smiled and began her walk. It wasn't long before she heard whispers and felt glances being thrown at her. That's when she realized. She looked to her personal maid, Clara. Clara nodded, instantly knowing what her lady was thinking. Lucienne chuckled unexpectedly. She was actually quite happy about this news. At least now she had a reason to act how everyone saw her as. A villainess!

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