Part 30

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They had returned from the villa and now lay in their bedroom on the bed. Erno's head was rested on her chest as he ran a finger up and down her stomach. Lucienne was propped up on their headboard as she stroked his hair. Erno lifted himself and pulled her on top of him. They began kissing. Lucienne knew that they had always kissed but now that they were married she found that it felt different. It felt special. She began undoing his buttons and he started to unzip her dress. She paused and lifted herself as her eyes widened. "We can't." She looked at him. He looked almost hurt. "Why not?" He placed his hand back on her back. "We have that banquet tomorrow. We can't be tired." She shook her head. Despite this she stayed on top of him. They had agreed to go to one of the banquets held by the crown prince since he had asked them to go to the many other ones. Lucienne knew that it would be their first appearance as a married couple and she knew all eyes would be on them. Erno chuckled. He thought for a second. "We wont take long." He stated his solution. Lucienne looked off to the side as if she was contemplating it. She looked as if she was having an internal battle with herself. Finally she hung her head in defeat. She lowered herself back on to Erno and resumed kissing. He paused and laughed as she reached his final button. "What happened to no kisses at night?" He placed his hands in her dress. "Oh be quiet." She rolled her eyes at him.

"Clara do you think Marchioness Swanson will be there?" Lucienne fixed the sleeve on her dress. Clara was helping her prep for the banquet as she scurried across the room to gather accessories. "I believe she might be. May I ask why my lady?" Clara guided Lucienne to the dresser. "She must hate me for causing such a scene at her party. Regardless I must apologize!" She clenched her fist and nodded. Clara placed some earrings next to her face. "That's very mature of you my lady. Arent you excited to be seen as a married woman out in public?" She chose a pair and placed them on Lucienne. She began to put away the rest of the miscellaneous items on the dresser. "Well I'm more nervous than anything. All the people there... just thinking about it makes me dizzy. I guess I asked for it when I married a prince." She shrugged. Clara giggled and sprayed Lucienne with a perfume. "I guess I'm just scared of the social world. And that crown prince, he was off..." she recalled her visit to the palace. She shook her head. "Never mind Clara." There was a knock at the door and Clara rushed to answer it. Lucienne saw her bow as she stepped to the side so Erno could walk in. He was wearing a matching suit that fit perfectly with her dress. He reached the mirror and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Are you ready?" He looked at her through the mirror. She nodded and grabbed his hand as he guided her out of the room.

The banquet was held in the main palace ballroom. The crown prince sat above everyone else on a throne on the stage. He greeted everyone who walked up to him as the entered. It was Lucienne and Erno's turn as they walked up to him. He eyed them down as they bowed. She saw his smirk as he opened his mouth to speak. "Ah brother! How lovely of you to finally join us. And Lady Lucienne, what a wonderful surprise, you accepting my invitation." He smiled cockily. Lucienne kept a cool and gentle face. She knew he was just trying to get under their skin by calling her a lady. She could sense Erno's anger. "Actually her title has since shifted as of marrying me. She's now a princess. I thought you of all people would know that. Though I can't expect you to since you've yet to marry." Erno spoke up. Lucienne looked up at him in shock. She wasn't expecting him to say anything but it was funny nonetheless. She looked back at the crown prince. He looked infuriated. It seemed he was going to jump out of his chair and lunge at Erno. He cleared his throat. "I'll have you know that I have selected a fiancé already. We are soon to wed. I cannot tell you who because it's not public information yet." He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. Lucienne could tell Erno was about to call his bluff so she spoke up before he did. "Oh how lovely for you Prince Lynon. We look forward to meeting this lovely lady. We best be on our way." She bowed and didn't give him a chance to respond as she pulled Erno away. "He's so childish! You should be the one sitting on that throne. You will be the one sitting on that throne." Erno glared at his brother. Lucienne sighed of relief. "Erno you can't say things like that aloud! Someone may hear." She scolded him. He kissed her cheek. "But it's true. My lovely wife has all the qualities of the future empress." He cupped her face in his hands. She laughed at him. They turned as they heard a squeal a few feet away from them. The noise came from a group of ladies Laine was leading. They seemed to be a little fan club, fawning over Lucienne and Erno. Laine had a grin on her face that screamed: "Yes I know them. Aren't I so cool?" She waved at Lucienne and ran over to her side. She bowed to them, remembering they were both royalty before pulling Lucienne away. Lucienne laughed and waved bye to Erno.

She stood alone on the balcony. She was sure Erno was looking for her but she was in a trance as she looked up at the night sky. "Quite beautiful isn't it?" She heard a voice from behind her and turned quickly. The crown prince was standing there. "Prince Lynon! I didn't notice you there. I apologize. I should go now." She bowed and began to try and enter. He stopped her and placed his hand on her back as he guided her back to the railing. She flinched under his hand. "No no stay. Let's chat hm?" He moved his hand from her back to her shoulder. She clenched her jaw out of anger. "I know you know I don't have a fiancé." The prince stared at the stars. "But with your help, that can change." He looked back at her. She was staring at him. "I- I don't quite understand." She said softly. "Divorce my brother and marry me instead." He grabbed her chin. She gulped. "Think about it. He won't ever become emperor but I will. You could have everything. All you'd have to do is look just as pretty as you do right now... and of course produce a male heir." He placed his other hand on her hip. She had her fists clenched. She knew if she pushed him off he'd have her head in the name of "treason" but this was unbearable. Suddenly the balcony door opened. Erno stood there. Lucienne's knees buckled and she ran to Erno. She was hyperventilating in his arms. Erno stared at Lynon as he stood there with a smug look on his face. His eyes glowed red in the darkness and Lynon's expression dimmed. It was then that Lynon realized that his brother had intentions to murder him. His face drained of blood as he watched Erno lift Lucienne. Erno carried her all the way back to the carriage as she cried in his arms. He was going to have her on the throne. No matter what.

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