Part 27

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All was silent except for the occasional cough and the shifting of the silverware. Lucienne's dad sat at one end of the table while Erno sat at the other. Her brothers sat next to their father, Colvette to his left and the twins to his right. The duke was staring daggers at his daughter's fiancé and it seemed he was returning the gesture. Lucienne cleared her throat. She was sitting next to Erno. "So lovely to have you all here for dinner." She clapped her hands together and smiled nervously. "Right Erno?" She looked to him. He narrowed his eyes at the duke and a sly smile formed on his face. "Yes... lovely." He said in a low tone. Lucienne chuckled out of nervousness and turned to her oldest brother. He, per usual, had a calm and monotone face. "Colvette! You must've went on a few missions with Erno! Wasn't that fun?" Lucienne figured she could figure something out for them to bond and she instantly remembered that they both fought together. She thought of anyone was going to like Erno, it would be Colvette as they were both the same age. Colvette looked at her with shock. He thought for a second. "Yes I do remember being stationed with the prince frequently. I now know that it was after you two met that he requested I be in his group. It was fine." He plainly stated. He shoved a piece of steak in his mouth to signal that he wasn't going to talk anymore. Lucienne defeatedly turned to the twins. "Ah did you know that Erno is in charge of the knights since he's in charge of the expeditions? We were speaking of your rank up request not too long ago!" She knew they had wanted to move up in ranks and figured this was a perfect opportunity to persuade them. The twins looked at each other then back at her. "We're ok where we're at actually." Rudnine looked at his plate. Kalin agreed. Lucienne dropped her jaw before regaining her cool. "Daddy, you like old artifacts right? Erno has a whole room of them! Isn't that nice." She awaited his answer but it didn't come. She threw her arms up in resignation. "Oh I give up!" She suddenly blurted out. Everyone turned to her. "I don't care how or why or when, I just know that you guys are going to like each other! Whether you like it or not!" She slammed the table and stood quickly. "Do not even think of joining be in our room if you don't make happy with my family Ennox." She turned on her heel and stormed out the dining room. Erno looked as if he was going to call out to her but he heeded her words and sat still. Everyone glanced around the room. Who was going to crack first?

It had been an hour after Lucienn had left. Everyone still sat there, not talking. The door opened slowly and Clara bowed as she scurried over to Erno. She whispered something in his ear. The shift on Erno's face was apparent. He sent her off and his stern expression turned into a genuine smile. He cleared his throat. "Ahem well we're not getting anywhere here so why don't we just let Luci think we have and we'll all be on our way, yes?" He stood. "I shall not lie to my daughter." The duke spoke finally. Erno sat back down in annoyance. "If I may ask Duke Ruden, why do you despise me so much?" Erno tilted his head. The duke didn't stop to think for even a second. "Because you've taken my daughter away. You are unfit for such a perfect girl!" He slammed his fist on the table in anger. Erno nodded. "Yes I agree that Lucienne is far too perfect for me. But I refuse anyone else have her." His eyes seemed to be glowing in the shadows. "No one else can provide for her like I can. I can supply her with anything she asks for in a heartbeat. I'd be willing to die for her in a heartbeat. I'd do anything for her! I may be unworthy but any other man is unthinkable." He proclaimed. The duke seemed almost content with his words but he caught his expression and turned stern again. "Does she even know of your numerous monstrous deeds? How many men you've killed?" He scowled at Erno. Erno sighed and nodded. "It was one of the first things I told her. She loves me regardless and I love her too." This wasn't a lie as he had told her about his past. But it would be a lie to say he told her everything. It wasn't that he was scared that she'd leave, thought that was particularly it, it was that he hoped she wouldn't worry about having to deal with the revenge of people who knew the ones he killed. But he didn't have to let his in laws know that. Her father grunted before sighing. "I know you love my daughter. Hell I'd even say you're infatuated with her... I'm just," He rubbed his head to try and cure the migraine. "I'm just not ready to say goodbye." He looked to his sons and it seemed the agreed to what he was about to do. "But, since it's inevitable" He stood from his chair. Erno followed suit and met him halfway. They shook hands firmly. "I suggest we act friendly." He shook his head as if he couldn't believe what he was doing. Erno shook hands with the rest of Lucienne's family and they were on their way. As he stood at the top of the steps he sighed for the umpteenth time that evening. He couldn't care less about his relationship with his in laws but he knew it meant the most to Lucienne. He turned to the door and began walking to his room. "My lady has requested I tell you that she has tried on a new nightgown that she thinks you'll be particularly fond of." Clara's words from earlier replayed in his mind. He quickened his pace.

The doors to their room swung open. "Erno!" As Lucienne said his name he had already picked her up from the dresser and plopped her on the bed. He began planting kisses on her collarbone and neck. "Erno! That tickles!" She pushed him off of her. "My goodness! You're getting more ravenous as the days go on." She rolled her eyes at him. "I apologize my love. I'm just so hurt that you shunned me like that earlier." He put on a show of sadness. "Well did you fulfill the requirements?" She crossed her arms. "Yes, I did actually. Your family and I are very close now. Isn't that nice?" He smiled at her. "Oh really Erno? That's perfect!" She hugged him. It was true that she had a new nightgown and it was particularly revealing. It seemed she had forgotten that fact as her chest bumped against Erno. As she let go of him she caught sight of his profuse blush. She was confused for a second before the realization hit her. She pushed Erno off the bed and turned away. "G-go take a shower before you jump on me again!" She yelled from beneath the covers. She could hear his laugh as the door to the bathroom closed behind him. She pouted before holding out her hand in front of her face. Her ring shone brightly despite the darkness. She inwardly squealed. In just a few short weeks, she was to be wed.

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