Part 31

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Lucienne awoke in her bed. Erno had his arm around her and she was snuggled close to him as he was still sleeping. She sighed of relief before snuggling closer to him. He awoke and looked down at her. "Good morning." His hand moved up to her hair. "Good morning." She looked at the sheet beneath her. "Are you feeling better? You fell asleep in the carriage." He lifted her chin. She was obviously trying to not make eye contact with him. "Yes I'm fine. I... apologize that I made such a scene at our first event together as a married couple. I'm so ashamed." She placed her head in her palms. "What? No that wasn't a scene. You were upset at Lynon, reasonably. I'm sorry I didn't intervene until after he put his hands on you." Erno grabbed her forearms and pulled her close to him into a tight hug. He felt her start to sob. "I'll kill him. I swear. I'll have you in his place. Okay?" His tone was low though not a whisper. She paused for a second. She nodded slowly. She couldn't see Erno's face. He had a crazed look in his eye. He was ready to kill. And he was ecstatic that she had given him the go ahead.

"I think you should train with me." Erno placed a sword on the table in his study. Lucienne sat across from him in bewilderment. "Pardon?" She blinked a few times. "Yes it's the best way to keep you safe. I will always be there to protect you but I think you should still learn. I will personally train you." He nodded. She looked at the sword on the table and pursed her lips together. "Well I guess I could give it a go." She smiled softly. Erno immediately looked happy. He looked around the room before sending away both the butler by the door and Eline. He leaned in slightly. "My love, we must talk about the dethronement of my brother. I want him gone as soon as possible. And I have a way. Will you listen?" He looked at her expectantly. He didn't want her to agree to something she wasn't ready for and he wanted to give her as many chances as possible to back out. At the same time, he wished nothing more than to have her by his side as he took over the empire. He wanted to give everything to her. She looked over to the side, contemplating her next words. This was a big moment as it would determine her compliance in the overpowering of the imperial throne. She didn't necessarily care for power or wealth and she wanted nothing more than her family and Erno's safety. The banquets events played back in her head. She had felt so angry and defenseless in front of the crown prince. She knew if Erno hadn't shown up she would have been in an even worse state at the moment. The prince was unfit of a throne. He was a cruel, dangerous, and childish man. Lucienne's eyes shifted back to Erno and she nodded firmly. She saw his eyes light up as he began speaking.

"Oh Laine I was absolutely terrified. I should have stayed with you at the party." Lucienne and Laine sat in the sofa of a tailor shop, looking through the catalogues. They were just finishing up looking through the dresses. "What a vile man! And he's in charge of our empire? How horrid!" Laine seemed more into the complementary snacks more than anything. Lucienne shushed her and laughed before she shut her book and held her hand out for Laine as she stood. "Come, let's go grab some cake at the bakery." She figured she'd play into Laine's sweet tooth. She could've sworn she saw an actual star appear in Laine's eyes. They exited the shop and began walking across the street to the bakery. A man with brown bobbed hair bumped into Laine as he walked out of a shop. "Laine? What are you doing here?" Ren looked puzzled at his sister as he fixed his glasses. He quickly realized Lucienne and gasped lightly before bowing at an exact 90 degree angle. "I apologize for my insolence, Princess Lucienne." He stood in his bowing position before Lucienne asked he rose. Lucienne still wasn't used to being called a princess. "Ren, no need to apologize! It's a pleasure to see you. I rarely do see you around the palace." She smiled. He nodded. "Yes. Rarely." He seemed stiff. "Well I'll let you guys chat. I'll be in the bakery, Laine." She awkwardly waved bye before entering. "Ren what are you doing here?" Laine tilted her head. "Well I could ask you the same question. What are you doing hanging around the princess?" Ren scolded her. "Well I was technically friends with her before she was a princess." She paused, thinking about if she wanted to say her next words. "What are you doing crushing on another man's wife? A princess at that!" She dealt the final blow. Ren gasped in horror. He looked around to make sure no one heard. "What are you-" He whisper shouted but was cut off by Laine. "Oh it's obvious. Your hands get all clammy and you get all quiet. Not to mention your red face." She rolled her eyes at him. "You cannot ever speak of this again! If Prince Ennox heard of this I'd be dead! Do you want me dead? Your own brother?" He continued to whisper shout. Laine rolled her eyes and grabbed his arm. She began guiding him to the bakery against his will. She waved to Lucienne who was eyes a cake in the case. "Luci! My brother said he'd buy our cakes!" She let go of Ren and grabbed onto Lucienne. She saw Ren about to protest and she gave him a glare that said everything. She would tell Lucienne about his crush if he didn't do her bidding. Ren knew she would too. She wouldn't tell Erno because then her brother would die a horrible death, but in telling Lucienne all her brother would receive is a sorry rejection and humiliation. "What! No, I shall pay. I couldn't possibly make Ren pay." Lucienne looked at Laine. "Suit yourself." Laine shrugged. "Ren is paying for me at least. As a matter of fact, he said he'd take me on a shopping trip." She grinned at him. He looked angry but kept shut. Lucienne smiled at them. She placed their orders and returned to their table. "You know Ren, i find it sad that I hardly see you at all. I mean I am friends with your little sister." She leaned on her hand. Ren stiffened as he realized she was talking to him. "Yes Princess, very sad." He bluntly stated. She sighed. "Ren do you not like me? I understand if-" She was cut off. "I do! I do like you!.." He cleared his throat. "I simply meant I do enjoy your company Princess." He fixed his tea cup in front of him. Laine giggled beside him and he felt the urge to lunge at her. "Oh Ren really? That's wonderful! Does this mean we could be friends? I don't have many friends in the manor." She looked giddy. He opened his mouth to protest as he saw her smile. He sighed in resignation. "Yes I suppose we could." He gulped and looked away. Laine was almost bursting out into laughter and Lucienne was overjoyed. All Ren could think about was the death sentence he just got himself.

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