Part 33

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"Oh you are just adorable!" Lucienne cupped her cheeks in her hands and awed at the fluffy black kitten playing with the string she had given him. She sat on the floor beside him in the living area and Erno sat in the couch. He was reading some letters and writing replies with the occasional glance at his wife. Nenet put down the pink ribbon he was playing with and meowed loudly at Erno. He hadn't noticed and continued reading. The panther clumsily made its way to Erno's leg and began gnawing at his leather shoes. Erno looked over his paper to see the cat. "Oh? What does it want?" Erno placed the paper on the couch and leaned over slightly. "He wants you to play with him. I thin' he's found out what a boring playmate I am." Lucienne giggled. "Hmm" Erno picked up Nenet by the scruff and put his hand to his chin as if he was inspecting him. Admittedly, Erno was quite bad with animals despite his ability to become one. As a matter of fact that ability was the main reason animals hated him. They could sense that he was a predator animal. Not that he cared much for animals. Nenet dangled there just staring at him. "He's quite small." Erno drew his conclusion before releasing Nenet to the ground. He quickly scurried back over to Lucienne and she picked him up. "Well that's because he's just a baby. He's going to grow big and strong. Isn't that right Netty?" She used a baby voice as she talked to him. Nenet played in her arms. "Yep, mommy's little boy is gonna grow up and become super strong!" She continued her baby speech and Erno resisted the urge to laugh at her. He went back to his letter and she soon joined him on the couch after putting Nenet down. "Is this for.. when you leave?" She had been avoiding this topic but she figured it would come up one way or another. He signed his name at the bottom and nodded. "Yes, some final preparations." He closed the letter and slid it into an envelope. He placed it to the side and looked at Lucienne. She wasn't looking at him. "I will hurry back. There won't be a day I don't write to you." He caressed her face and slid a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I'll miss you dearly." She finally looked up at him. "Well then I suggest we spend as much time together as possible before I leave." He whispered and leaned over her. They inched closer. There was a thud and they looked down to find that Nenet had run full force into the couch, trying to reach them. He sat for a few seconds before shaking his head and meowing loudly. "Oh my poor baby!" Lucienne immediately picked him up and began rubbing his head. Erno eyed the panther out of jealousy and pouted. Lucienne plopped the cat in Erno's lap and rested her head on his shoulder. Erno stiffly sat under both his sleeping wife and their rowdy baby panther.

Lucienne stood at the top of the palace steps. Clara stood behind her, holding Nenet. It was a dark and windy day but it hadn't rained yet. Erno stood in front of Lucienne, drying her tears with a handkerchief. He pulled her close and hugged her tightly. She continued to cry. She felt him move her hair and clip something around her neck. She looked down and he held out a pocket mirror. She stared at the sparkling diamond that hung around her neck in a beautiful design. She gasped and looked up at Erno before continuing to cry. She stood on her toes and pulled him into a kiss. "I want to stay." Erno stared into her eyes. "You can't." She sadly stared into his. He kissed her again. She broke away first. "Go..." She placed a hand on his cheek. He held her hand there. "I love you." He sadly looked at her. "I love you." She let go of him. She planted a kiss on his forehead and he turned. She watched as he descended the stairs and climbed onto his horse. She grabbed Nenet off of Clara and waved his paw at Erno. "Say bye to daddy." She smiled down at Erno. He smiled back at her. "Goodbye, my love..." He thought a bit. "And Nenet" He smiled. He turned his horse and began for the gates with his men. She waved as he exited. She stood there for a bit after he was gone. She turned on her heel and began walking inside. "My lady, are you okay?" Clara softly asked. "Yes I'm okay." She continued down the hallway.p before suddenly stopping. "Clara, send a letter to my family. Tell them I'll be staying over awhile." She sighed and looked down at Nenet. She smiled at him. "And tell them I have someone I'd like them to meet."

"The Princess is quite the girl huh?" A brunette knight chatted to the blonde man beside him. The blonde gasped before shushing him. "Are you crazy! You can't just say that! You'll get us killed!" He glanced around. They had set up camp and everyone was spread out. "Huh, why?" The knight shrugged and crossed his arms. "The prince is already in a horrible mood. Talking about his wife is a death sentence already, imagine while he's angry!" The blonde one shuddered. They both looked over at the Prince's tent. The lamp was on and he was in there writing. Erno's leg bounced as he wrote, making his writing sloppy. "Your highness, this is a very important message and your handwriting is unintelligible." Ren peered over his shoulder just to get flagged away by Erno. "I know that Ren. I'm just not all here right now." He put his head in his hands. "I assure you that her highness is extremely safe at the palace. She will be fine." Ren tried to soothe his worries. Erno snapped his pen. "And that cocky Colvette has once again been assigned with me. How bothersome." He stood. "Please remember that this is your brother and law. The princess would not approve of your aggression." Ren fixed his glasses and stepped back. He watched Erno storm to the entrance of his tent. "Delverne!" He screamed and Colvette stood from under the tree he sat beneath. He jogged over and bowed. "Yes your highness?" He had a touch of sarcasm in his voice and as he got up he stared deep into Erno's eye. Erno irritatedly smiled. "Why don't we have a friendly brother-in-law spar? Just to make sure we're both prepared." He held out his hand. Colvette smirked back at him. "Why, of course." He shook Erno's hand.

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