Part 26

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"Madame Rochelle is working on my dress. She says she has a 'perfect vision.' Lucienne laid on Erno's chest and traced circles into his shirt. "Perfect. Eline came to me with the finished invitations earlier and the contracts have all been completed. What's left?" Erno stroked her hair. She thought for a second. "Well we must decorate and send the invitations. Oh! Most importantly we must have your outfit!" Lucienne listed off their final preparations. She sighed wistfully. "Erno can you believe we're doing this? Getting married?" She looked up at him. He smiled down at her. "No i cant. A year ago i had no intentions on ever getting married and now," He lifted her onto himself and hugged her tightly. "i'm going to marry the woman of my dreams." He placed a dozen kisses all over her face as she laughed.

Erno had gone to meet the tailors and had left Lucienne on her own in this predicament. Her family knew they were invited to the wedding but they didn't know when they would receive their invitations. Her brothers all sat across from her in the drawing room. "Where's daddy?" Lucienne broke the silence. "He said he'd go crazy if he had to come here again." Kalin rolled his eyes. Lucienne looked confused. "I don't understand. This is where i live. I'm too busy with preparations that i can't visit you guys over there." She looked upset and the boys all shared glances. "Lucienne," Rudnine spoke up. "Father has sent us here to 'persuade' you into coming back. And by 'persuade' we mean kidnap you." He cleared his throat. Lucienne looked shocked before shaking her head. "You can't fool me with that. Daddy supports my marriage. Even if he said it in the moment! He never goes back on his word!" She stared down the boys. She could see the perspiration dripping down the twins face. Oddly enough, Colvette looked just fine. She narrowed her eyes at Kalin as he seemed more likely to break. "It was Colvette! He told Father that he should stay home because he gave in so easily last time and he said we were gonna kidnap you while we were already in the carriage!" Kalin suddenly blurted out. Rudnine slapped him in the back of the head with great force. Colvette looked utterly betrayed but not more than Lucienne. "Colvette! How could you!" She stood. "Luci surely you understand. That man is not one to talk about things. And while you were sick we were worried out of our minds! I supported this but i can no longer allow you to be hurt!" Colvette stood aswell. "Well! You don't have to like my marriage but it's going to happen! And as for the reason i asked for you here." She slapped four beautifully decorated envelopes onto the table. "They're the invitations for my wedding. Daddy's is in there too." She didn't look her brothers in the eyes as she walked out the room. As soon as she closed the door she could hear Rudnine beating Kalin up. Colvette held his head in his hands.

Lucienne stormed into Erno's office. He looked up from his desk and stood immediately. She ran into his arms and he could tell she was crying. "What has happened? Are you ok?" Erno tried to inspect her for any damage while simultaneously holding her close to himself. "My brothers!" Lucienne hiccuped between words. "They don't approve of us!" She sobbed. Erno patted her back. He knew that wherever Lucienne was, Clara wasn't far behind. He called out for the maid and she scurried into the room. She was slightly out of breath after chasing Lucienne to Erno's office. "What happened Clara?" Erno rubbed Lucienne's back. "My lady had a meeting with her brothers today. She had meant to give them their invites to the wedding but the informed her of their plans to kidnap her. It seems they couldn't bring themselves to do it." Clara explained. Lucienne wasn't even looking at him and she knew his expression was one of rage. "Oh don't be mad at them Erno! They just don't understand." She defended her brothers. Erno sighed. "My love, how do you suggest we make them understand?" He held her shoulders. Clara left the room and closed the door. "Well why don't you invite them all over for dinner? That way you can figure out why they despise you so much!" Lucienne seemed content with her own solution and looked up expectantly at Erno. He couldn't bring himself to go against her so he reluctantly agreed. Her mood instantly grew cheery and she kissed him on the cheek. "I'm not satisfied with that." He hummed. She rolled her ayes at him and pecked him on the lips. "How cruel." He began kissing her collar. "Erno! Stop that you pervert!" She smacked his shoulder. He laughed. He enjoyed teasing her and she knew that. She couldn't deny that she too wished to go further and even though she knew he'd never do it unless she wanted to, she found herself wishing he'd continue. They were going to get married anyway. She snapped herself out of her thoughts and turned to leave. She felt Erno pull her into a hug from behind. He kissed her on her cheek and freed her from his grasp. She hurried out of his study so she could hide her blush.

"Oh Laine, what am i to do? My family hates him." Lucienne sighed across from her friend. "Hmm, my brother is a loser-" Laine caught herself. "he's a loner so i don't really know how to deal with overbearing siblings. Maybe they're just worried that you're with someone who couldn't care for you like they can." She was, per usual, eating almost every desert on the table. Lucienne stared at her in awe. She couldn't believe such a down to earth and reasonable person could also have such a side to them. "You're so smart Laine." She was almost fawning over her. "Why thank you Luci!" She fully swallowed a cookie. Lucienne slid her a decorated envelope. Laine immediately knew what it was. She jumped up from her seat and practically threw herself onto Lucienne.

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