Part 7

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"Ah, your back Eline" The man looked up from his paper on his desk. "Yes my lord." Eline bowed. "Well? How was she?" The man leaned back in his chair. "She didn't see the portraits. I did have to lie though. I told her I was the head butler of the palace and that the photos were not up to date." Eline fixed his glasses. "Yes that will do..." the man finished writing and handed a letter to his assistant. "I believe it's time." He got up from his chair. "My dear Lucienne..."

It was a day like any other. Lucienne had been preparing to visit the shops and then sneak her way to meet Erno. She and Erno continued to exchange letters despite seeing each other almost every day, so she kept her new routine of running down the stairs to greet Mel every time mail was delivered. Today there was no letter from Erno. She read the names of the letters she had in her hand and paused. "Ennox E. Viln."She almost shrieked. She didn't think Mel had seen it yet, or he wouldn't have let her grab it. What was the second prince doing sending her a letter? She hastily opened it and began to read.

Dear Lady Lucienne
I hope this letter finds you in the best of conditions. The imperial family of Viln would like to formally request that Lady Lucienne Delverne of Myern be courted and wed by his royal highness, the second prince, Ennox E Viln...

The letter contained more but she had only read up to that point. She reread it numerous times, hoping she had read something wrong. She looked up when she heard a knock at her door. "Luci, are you in there?" Colvette! She jumped up from her chair and swung open the door. She dragged him inside and closed the door behind them. Colvette studied her frantic expression. "Luci are you ok? What's wrong?" He watched as she rushed over to her desk and grabbed a letter. Lucienne shoved the letter into his hands and he read it. His brows furrowed and he looked as if he was resisting the urge to crumple the paper right then and there. Lucienne watched and tears formed. She suddenly bursted out sobbing and Colvette rushed to hug her. "Oh Colvette what am I to do? I don't want to marry into the imperial family! Especially not as a wife of a prince!" Lucienne knew that becoming the wife of a prince meant several if not thousands of attempts on her life but she also knew that denying this request could bankrupt her family and cause them to suffer as well. Colvette patted her on the back. "We're going to figure it out. I promise." He crouched a bit to meet her eye level and wiped a tear away. "But we must show this to father first." He waved the paper. She nodded slightly and looked down. She followed Colvette down their long hallways to find their father's study. Colvette looked at Lucienne. She nodded and stepped forward. She hesitated then knocked. "Daddy? I have to talk to you..." she heard clamoring and what sounded like papers shifting. The doors swung open. "Luci-" he cleared his throat. "Lucienne. How lovely..." He trailed off as he looked at her. "What's wrong?" He crouched and out his hand on her shoulder. He looked up as he realized Colvette was there. Colvette held out the letter to his father. Their father read the letter and, like Colvette, resisted the urge to crumple it up. Minutes later everyone was in his office, including the twins. Lucienne sat next to her dad and the brothers all sat across from them. Luciennes dad spoke up first. "Lucienne, how did you receive this." He placed the letter on the table. Lucienne looked towards the door where Mel was standing. Mel nodded and she explained how she had began taking her mail from him. She made sure to explain that it wasn't his fault and that she sort of shook him down for it. Her father nodded. "Well. It's simple really. We'll have to decline the request." He sat back in his chair. Lucienne perked up and shook him a bit. "But daddy! You know what they'll do to our family!" She urged him. "Well I refuse to make you marry that scoundrel. You barely know this mysterious prince and yet he asks to court you? Preposterous!" He furrowed his brows and shook his head. Lucienne looked over to her brothers. Rudnine and Kalin looked over at each other before looking back at her. "It seems that's the only choice Luci." Kalin smiled wearily at her. Rudnine agreed. Lucienne looked desperately at Colvette. He nodded. She looked down. Her father patted her back and sighed. "This isn't the kind of thing that can be denied through a letter. I'm sorry, but you'll have to accompany me to the palace to settle this." Lucienne looked up at him and nodded slowly. 'That's the least I can do for damning our family to poverty' she thought. Her father patted her head before looking at Colvette. Colvette silently acknowledged him before turning to the twins and gesturing to Lucienne. Rudnine stood first and came to Luci's side. "Let's head back to your room so you can rest. Perhaps a day on the shops?" He held out his hand for her and she took hold of it. "The shops!" She uttered. She suddenly remembered. Erno! She released her brother's hand and bolted out the room. Kalin got up but was stopped. "Let her go." Her father sighed. "I'm sure whoever she's running off to see can help her relax." He had known she was leaving to see someone for a while. He just hadn't mustered up the courage to ruin his daughter's bright smile. Kalin and Rudnine both sat back down. Everyone in the room knew this was not going to be a smooth journey.

Erno checked his watch and looked up. He blocked the sun with his hands as he saw her approaching. Her long blue hair was almost floating in the wind and her skin was still as smooth as ever. But he paid those things no mind and she came crashing into his arms sobbing. "Lucienne! What's the matter? What's happened?" He squeezed her and held her head. "Oh Erno it's horrible! The second prince" She hiccuped. "The second prince has asked for my hand in marriage! And- and-" She sobbed in his arms. "Shh it's ok calm down. Please." He tried to calm her and rubbed her back. She took a deep breath. "My family plan to deny it but if they do... we'll be ruined! I can't let this happen." She shook her head slightly. "I must accept it. I couldn't possibly do that to my family. Colvette is at such a high rank and the twins are soon to be elevated. I couldn't possibly jeopardize that." She let go of Erno and looked up at him. He was looking at her somberly. "Lucienne... if you had a choice, would you marry me?" He grabbed her face lightly. She blinked a few times. "Yes... I would" They both leaned in. This time, their lips actually met and they indulged themselves in a long kiss. Lucienne broke it first as Erno looked at her in sadness. "I-I shouldn't have done that." She looked down. He raised her chin. "Why?" She looked him in his eyes. "Because now when I marry, I'll only cause you more sorrow." She began to cry in his arms again.

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