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As Fourth's mother suddenly falls ill with a high fever, Fourth finds himself torn between his responsibilities at home and his commitments at the university

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As Fourth's mother suddenly falls ill with a high fever, Fourth finds himself torn between his responsibilities at home and his commitments at the university.

Despite his deep concern for his mother's well-being, she insists that he cannot neglect his studies and scolds him gently but firmly, urging him to fulfill his responsibilities as a student.

Fourth , son , I appreciate your concern, but you cannot stay home because of me. his mother asserts weakly, her voice tinged with a mixture of fatigue and resolve.

You have your education to prioritize. I will be fine here. Now, off you go to your classes. Don't worry about me. His mother whispers.

Reluctantly, Fourth complies with his mother's wishes, though his heart weighs heavy with worry as he leaves her side.

The journey to the university is fraught with anxiety as thoughts of his mother's condition consume his mind, casting a shadow over his usual focus on his studies.

Upon arriving at the campus, Fourth's preoccupation with his mother's health makes it difficult to concentrate, leaving him vulnerable to the distractions of his surroundings.

It is at this vulnerable moment that Gemini, with his knack for mischief and disruption, chooses to approach Fourth.

Gemini's presence only serves to exacerbate Fourth's already frayed nerves, and when the enigmatic troublemaker begins his usual taunts and provocations, Fourth's patience reaches its breaking point.

Fueled by a potent combination of worry, frustration, and fear for his mother's well-being, Fourth lashes out at Gemini with a ferocity that surprises them both.

Enough, Gemini ! Fourth snaps, his voice edged with a rare display of anger and desperation. Can't you see I have more important things to worry about than your petty games ? Leave me alone !

Gemini, taken aback by Fourth's uncharacteristic outburst, reacts with a mixture of surprise and indignation.

Their usual banter takes on a more ominous tone as Gemini's expression darkens, and they respond with a threat that cuts through the tension like a knife.

You dare to speak to me like that , bookworm ? Gemini retorts, their voice low and dangerous, eyes narrowed with simmering anger. You have no idea who you're dealing with. Cross me again, and you'll regret it. Mark my words.

The threat hangs heavy in the air between them, the atmosphere charged with tension as Fourth meets Gemini's gaze with a mixture of defiance and fear.

As Fourth stands there, reeling from Gemini's ominous threat, his phone suddenly erupts with an urgent ring, cutting through the tension like a knife.

With trembling hands, he retrieves his phone from his pocket, his heart pounding with a mixture of dread and apprehension.

As he answers the call, his sister May's panicked voice echoes through the line, her words sending a chill down his spine.

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