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After a tense and anxious wait, Gemini's security team successfully located the abandoned warehouse where May was being held

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After a tense and anxious wait, Gemini's security team successfully located the abandoned warehouse where May was being held.

With swift coordination and expertise, they executed a rescue operation, ensuring May is brought back safely.

Gemini stood outside the warehouse, his heart racing with a mix of relief and lingering concern.

He watched as his security team hurriedly brought May out, her small figure engulfed in a protective blanket, visibly shaken but unharmed.

Pahn and Chokun rushed to May's side, enveloping her in hugs and comforting words. Tears welled up in Fourth's eyes as he approached, his gratitude overflowing.

Thank you. Fourth murmured, his voice trembling with emotion. I don't know what I would have done without your help.

Gemini nodded, his gaze softening as he looked at May. I'm just glad we found her in time. He replied quietly, his relief palpable.

As the commotion settled and May was reassured that she was safe , Gemini tried to approach Fourth.

We should go. Fourth said abruptly, cutting through the tension. May needs to get home.

Gemini hesitated, wanting to say more but unsure of how to express his feelings amidst the chaos.

He nodded silently, acknowledging the unspoken distance that had grown between them.

Fourth escorted May and the others to his car, ensuring everyone was settled before turning to Gemini one last time.

His eyes held a mixture of understanding and something unreadable.

Take care. Fourth said finally, his tone gentle yet distant. I'll see you around. Nodding , Gemini too retreated to his car .

As Gemini drove away, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in his mind.

He replayed the events of the day, wondering if there was more he could have done to bridge the growing gap between him and Fourth.

At the same time, Fourth stood rooted to the spot, watching Gemini's car disappear into the distance.

He knew Gemini had saved May, and for that, he was immensely grateful.

Yet, he couldn't shake off the sense of guilt that weighed on him for keeping his distance, especially now, when their bond should have grown stronger through adversity.

With a heavy heart, Fourth turned and headed home with Pahn and Chokun, each lost in their own thoughts, unsure of what the future held for their friendships and the unspoken emotions that had surfaced in the face of danger.

With a heavy heart, Fourth turned and headed home with Pahn and Chokun, each lost in their own thoughts, unsure of what the future held for their friendships and the unspoken emotions that had surfaced in the face of danger

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