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A wave of conflicting emotions crashed over Fourth

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A wave of conflicting emotions crashed over Fourth. He couldn't hold it in any longer.

Fine ! He burst out, his voice cracking with emotion. I've been avoiding you because... because I have feelings for you, okay ? I like you, Gemini, more than I should.

Gemini froze, stunned into silence by Fourth's confession.

Before Gemini could respond, Fourth continued, his words tumbling out in a rush of pent-up feelings and inner turmoil.

I've been scared. Fourth continued , his voice wavering slightly.

Scared of what ? Gemini demanded, his voice rising. Of me ? Are you afraid of me , Bookworm?

Fourth shook his head vehemently, his hands clenching into fists . No, not of you. I've seen how you handle things, how you... how you've turned down people who've liked you.

I didn't want to risk our friendship, didn't want to be just another rejection to you. So I've been trying to ignore it, trying to convince myself it's just a phase or that it's not worth risking our friendship. Fourth confessed, his voice raw with vulnerability.

But I can't stop thinking about you, about us, and it's driving me crazy. By the end Fourth's voice merely a whisper.

I-I know- Fourth's word were rudely cut short with an aggressive pull.

In a surprising move, Gemini pulled Fourth closer, his grip almost rough, and crushed his lips against Fourth's in a forceful, passionate kiss.

At first, Fourth was taken aback, but then instinct took over.

He responded eagerly, his hands moving to grasp Gemini's arms as they kissed fervently, the weight of unspoken words and suppressed desires finally surfacing.

The kiss was not gentle or tender; it was born out of frustration, longing, and a primal need to bridge the distance that had grown between them.

Their surroundings faded into insignificance as they kissed, the tension between them releasing like a floodgate opening.

When they finally pulled apart, both were breathless, their eyes locked in a mixture of surprise and longing.

Gemini held Fourth's gaze, his voice hoarse but filled with sincerity.

I'm not going to turn you away, Fourth. He murmured, his thumb brushing against Fourth's cheek. I never knew you felt this way. And how can I reject a person who makes me feel like home whenever I am with him , hmm ?

Fourth blinked in astonishment, his earlier fears and doubts now replaced by a rush of hope and relief.

You... you mean it ? He whispered, unable to believe that Gemini was reciprocating his feelings.

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