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As the Law Faculty bus continued its journey through the night towards Phu Lang Ka, the atmosphere inside was lively with the sound of laughter

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As the Law Faculty bus continued its journey through the night towards Phu Lang Ka, the atmosphere inside was lively with the sound of laughter

Despite the long hours on the road, Fourth, Pahn, Chokun, and Gemini found creative ways to pass the time and keep spirits high.

In the dim glow of the bus's interior lights, Fourth had taken out a deck of cards from his backpack, suggesting a game of Uno to lighten the mood. 

Pahn eagerly joined in, her competitive spirit shining through as she strategized with Chokun to outwit their opponents—Fourth and Gemini.

Gemini, initially skeptical but intrigued by the energy of the game, soon found himself drawn into the friendly competition. 

His usual aloof demeanor softened as he laughed at Pahn's playful taunts and exchanged witty banter with Fourth over strategic moves.

Between rounds of Uno , Fourth pulled out his acoustic guitar, its mellow chords filling the bus with soothing melodies. 

Pahn, who had a knack for singing, joined in with a spontaneous rendition of a popular folk song, her voice carrying a sweet melody that echoed through the bus , making the other students to join in too.

Gemini, leaning back in his seat with a grin, watched the impromptu performance with genuine amusement.

His earlier skepticism about the Law Faculty students' ability to have fun melted away as he appreciated their talents.

Who knew law students could be this entertaining ? Gemini remarked casually, his tone tinged with a hint of surprise. 

Fourth, strumming the guitar with a smile, glanced over at Gemini with a playful glint in his eyes.

We're not just about case studies and legal briefs, you know. he quipped. Sometimes, we need to unwind and let loose a bit. 

Says you ?! Gemini taunted with a playful smirk.

Pahn, catching Gemini's eye from across the aisle, added with a grin, We're a multi-talented bunch. Law by day, entertainers by night.

Chokun, shuffling the cards , nodded in agreement. It's all about balance you know. he remarked with a wink.

Gemini, settling back into his seat with a newfound appreciation for his batchmates' ability to find joy in unexpected moments, couldn't help but smile to himself. 

Their journey promised not only breathtaking scenery and physical challenges but also moments of laughter, friendship, and perhaps even unexpected discoveries about themselves and each other.

Their journey promised not only breathtaking scenery and physical challenges but also moments of laughter, friendship, and perhaps even unexpected discoveries about themselves and each other

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