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As the night deepened in the mountains of Phu Lang Ka, a distant thumping bass and faint laughter began to echo through the trees

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As the night deepened in the mountains of Phu Lang Ka, a distant thumping bass and faint laughter began to echo through the trees.

The rhythmic beat grew louder, drawing the attention of the group of students who had set up camp earlier that evening.

The sound, though muffled by the dense foliage and the expanse of wilderness, was unmistakable-a party was happening somewhere not too far away.

Voices rose with curiosity and anticipation as they discussed whether to investigate the party.

Did you hear that ? Gemini exclaimed, his eyes alight with interest as he glanced around at his fellow students. There's definitely something going on up there.

I heard music ! We should check it out. Perth agreed in an excited tone.

Sounds like a good time. Let's go see what's happening. One of the student joined in.

The group quickly reached a consensus-everyone except Pahn, Chokun, and Fourth, who remained behind at the campsite.

Fourth , Pahn and Chokun exchanged amused glances, knowing they preferred the tranquility of their campfire to the raucousness of a party.

I think we'll pass. Pahn said with a smile, leaning back against a log near the fire.

Chokun nodded in agreement, wrapping an arm around Pahn's shoulders.

We've got everything we need right here. He added, his gaze affectionate as he looked at her.

Respecting their choice , everyone left for the party , leaving only the couple and Fourth at the campsite.

The others disappeared into the night, their voices gradually fading into the distance.

Fourth, always the studious one, decided to make productive use of the evening.

He retrieved his textbook from his backpack and settled down by the crackling campfire, the light of the flames flickering over the pages as he delved into his studies , giving the couple their private space.

The warmth from the fire, coupled with the rhythmic crackling of burning wood, provided a serene backdrop to his focused concentration.

Time passed in quiet solitude, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves or the distant echo of laughter from the party.

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