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The next day, Fourth arrived with a determined mindset and with the most stupidest idea of maintaining his distance with Gemini so as to move on

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The next day, Fourth arrived with a determined mindset and with the most stupidest idea of maintaining his distance with Gemini so as to move on.

As he entered the university , he spots Gemini across the courtyard, engaged in a lively conversation with a girl.

As Fourth watches discreetly from a distance, he notices Gemini's charismatic demeanor falter momentarily before he abruptly turns away from the girl, dismissing her with a curt remark.

The girl looked visibly hurt and confused as Gemini walked off, his expression unreadable.

This interaction reinforced Fourth's decision. He felt a pang of disappointment mixed with relief, solidifying his resolve to distance himself from Gemini.

Despite the warmth of their past interactions, Fourth knew he needs to protect his own emotions.

Throughout the day, Fourth consciously avoided places where he might run into Gemini.

He focused on his studies and spent more time with Pahn and Chokun, trying to distract himself from thoughts of Gemini.

Despite his efforts, he can't help but feel a twinge of sadness over the change in their dynamic.

Meanwhile, Gemini notices Fourth's sudden absence. He tried to brush it off at first, attributing it to Fourth being busy with coursework.

However, as days pass and Fourth continued to keep his distance, Gemini became increasingly puzzled and concerned.

He replayed their last interactions in his mind, trying to decipher if he had said or did something wrong.

One afternoon, Gemini spotted the bookworm in the library, sitting alone with his textbooks as usual.

He hesitated for a moment , then approached cautiously. Hey, Bookworm. He began tentatively. Haven't seen you around much lately. Everything okay ?

Fourth looks up, surprised by Gemini's approach. He hesitates, unsure of how to respond. Yeah, just been busy with assignments. He replied vaguely, avoiding Gemini's gaze.

Gemini senses the distance in Fourth's tone and expression, his frown deepening. Is something bothering you ? He asks softly, taking a seat across from Fourth.

Fourth hesitates, conflicted between wanting to confide in Gemini and maintaining his resolve to keep his distance.

It's... nothing, really. He murmurs, his voice betraying a hint of sadness.

Gemini studies Fourth's face, searching for answers.

He notices the subtle changes in Fourth's demeanor-the guarded posture, the distant look in his eyes. A sinking feeling settles in his chest.

Okay. Gemini says quietly, sensing that pushing further might only worsen things. Just know that if you ever want to talk, I'm here.

Fourth nodded silently, grateful yet conflicted.

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