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Skylar is unsure if he should even try to get out of this. Would an escape attempt even be worth it, since it's doomed to fail? He's never attempted before, he'd always just wait for them to leave him alone in the past. Sometimes that was only after they broke a few of his ribs, but still. Skylar chooses fight over flight more often than not. It usually doesn't work in his favor.

Crimson's irises are red, moving around his black sclera like an amoeba. His eyes themselves appear to actually be melting off his skull, and his mouth is full of sharp teeth.

"I'm starting to think you have a death wish," he says, and Skylar is terrified. His voice sounds deep and distorted, and parts of his skin appear to be cracking. Obviously Skylar would be scared in this situation anyway, but the hallucinations are not helping.

"Is this about the cat?" Skylar asks him, voice shaking. He only realizes what a dumb question that was after the words leave his mouth. Of course it's about the cat!

Crimson doesn't answer him, and Skylar feels the impact of the punch before his mind actually processes it. Except, it doesn't hurt. Crimson's fist goes right through Skylar's face, like he's transparent. Skylar is vaguely aware that this didn't actually happen, but it's how his mind processes it.

Skylar really needs to get home. Needs to put an end to these horrible hallucinations and the twisting emotions that are infecting him like a virus. He's out of his head, and his body can't decide what to feel. What's real and what's not.

God, Skylar wants to be home more than anything. He wants to be with Ashton, actually. He wants to be exactly where he was last night—in the guy's arms. The only time he can actually remember feeling safe in the last three years. He'd never admit that in a normal state of mind, but it's true.

"No, this is about the fact that my apartment was raided because of you." Crimson tells him, and Skylar's heart drops. Oh.

Was that because he left the door open? He thought all of Crimson's neighbors were criminals, though. Then again, his basis for that assumption is entirely because of the weird atmosphere and staring he has to endure every time someone sees him there. Well... maybe that reaction is kind of warranted when encountered with a guy sneaking around and climbing the sides of buildings.

"I've lost half my supply, and you're gonna pay for it."

This is a lot worse than Skylar initially thought. He was pretty positive that they were going to kill him before, but now? They're not stoping there, he's going to be tortured. They're gonna make this slow, because that's just how they are. He may have really fucked up with this one.

"So... you're gonna kill me, right? Like, that's what that means?" Skylar clarifies, because the men on either side of Crimson are currently growing knives out of their fingers, and this is going to be so brutal. He's also just kind of trying to stall. He wants to stay alive as long as he possibly can. "Because I have no money."

Crimson confirms his fear by replying simply, "worse."

Shit. Shit, fuck. They're definitely going to torture him. At least he isn't processing pain like he normally does, but that doesn't mean it's not going to happen.

Then, Crimson turns around. He makes a vague hand motion and begins walking away. As he does so, the man carrying Skylar trails behind him. Over his shoulder, Crimson calls to one of the other men;

"Grab his phone. We'll need it."

Skylar watches the guy come over and grab said phone, picking it up and frowning at the screen. Oh, he's probably still in a call with Ash, right? Well not anymore, since the guy hangs up immediately.

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