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Skylar wakes up the next morning to Ashton completely wrapped around him, which takes him several solid minutes to even realize since he's so disoriented. Skylar is very warm, and he hasn't awoken with such a feeling of calmness in a while, but it doesn't last long.

Skylar turns his head to find Ash's face buried against his neck, breathing steady. He's obviously still asleep, and Skylar wants to get up, but he has no idea how. He's already starting to feel withdrawal, and it's pretty bad—he's seeing ink on the walls already, and Ashton's arm—which is wrapped around him—is bleeding the substance all over him.

Unfortunately, Skylar has no fucking idea how he's going to get out of this. He squirms a bit, but Ash only pulls him closer. When he does so, Skylar's view frame expands, and he finds a familiar bottle of pills on Ashton's nightstand.

Wait, did he bring them in here for Skylar on purpose? So Skylar could have some as soon as he woke up? Wow, Skylar must've been in really bad shape last night.

Ashton has definitely done a good amount of research on this, if he knew Skylar's withdrawal would be so bad. Skylar gets a familiar feeling in his stomach, one that makes his heart race, and he wastes no time before he's moving to grab the bottle.

It's just out of reach, so he has to shift his position to finally grab it. After that, he's immediately opening the bottle and pouring one onto his hand, taking it dry. Luckily the pills themselves are smooth, so it doesn't hurt his throat at all.

Usually Skylar takes two, but he needs to ration this out. So, it probably won't be that satisfying, and he likely won't even feel that different to how he does normally. Still, at least it will keep the withdrawal off for a little longer.

Skylar shivers. Shit, now he has to go two days.

Skylar puts the bottle back, and tries to figure out how he's going to get out of this. He no longer has any pressing matters to deal with, like cyto withdrawal, but he'd still like to have the option to move around. Skylar is not the sort of person who can stay in one place and do nothing for any amount of time. At least, not when he's in a normal state of mind.

Skylar jumps when he hears a vibrating noise, and begins to feel around the bed for whatever device is making it. He's expecting it to be Ashton's phone, since usually when one of them is getting a call, it's him.  However, Skylar is shocked when he eventually locates his own and finds Mom flashing across the screen.


Skylar answers the phone quickly and presses the device to his ear, deciding to just put up with being trapped in Ashton's arms for the time being. At least until the end of the phone call, which he can sense is not going to be fun for him at all.


"Skylar." His mother's low voice responds immediately, and she does not sound happy. Hm. Well, time to list off all the possibilities behind this.

For one, Skylar failed two classes last school year, which he still has not answered to in terms of her. There's also the fact that school will be starting again soon, and he has no intention of going—has already missed some of the orientations and other things required for his senior year.

Also, he was kicked out of his house. For generally being a nuisance and a pain in the ass to raise, but also for drugs. These are all things his mother has not contacted him about—he hasn't spoken to this lady in several months—so it's possible he's about to get the lecture of a lifetime.

That said, Skylar just relaxes back into Ash's arms, getting a strange boost of confidence at the guy's presence, despite the fact he's not even awake.

"Hello, how are you?" Skylar asks casually, because evidently if he acts natural then she's just going to forget all the bullshit that's happened recently. Of course. Definitely.

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