Kensi and Deeks finding out about London!

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Its the next Morning after both Kensi and Deeks wake up and have had breakfast and tried doing some Physical Therapy.....

After that they got some sleep then they ate lunch then they had some visitors.....

Callen walks through the door with Mia and the rest of the team....

M- Mom,Dad is missed u guys so much.
Mia goes and hugs her mom and dad and kisses them on the cheek...

Kensi asks hey Callen where is London?

Callen starts talking and umm says hey Sam can you take Mia to the cafeteria for a min i have to talk to them about something and sam agrees and takes Mia to the cafeteria.

Callen whats wrong? Kensi asks

Callen- Umm Kensi and Deeks when we found out a about the accident we rushed to the scene and started to wonder if it really was an accident and come to find out that you guys were Targeted by someone that has a grudge against either you guys or NCIS and what we also discovered that London was with you guys in the car when the accident happened and we looked at survalance and found that after the accident someone came up to the car and took london from the scene.....

K- OMG! Callen where is London is she okay?
D- Callen come on tell us what happened?

As tears are coming down both there faces

Okay umm we had some leads on where she was and they didn't pan out so we kept looking and finally we got a good lead and whent there and found out that the paramedics found a baby girl and she was unconscious and unresponsive so they worked on her for about an hour but it was too late and she didn't make it im So Sorry Guys she is gone!!

By this time both Kensi and Deeks are full blown crying right now they just found out that there 3 month old baby girl is dead from someone who has a grudge against them!!

Callen we have to find whoever did this and kill them i mean they murdered our daughter...

Callen- i know and we are working on that now and eric and nell are looking through videos and other things to see if they can find anything i promise u that we will find whoever did this.. she was a part of this family....

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