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The world has evolved and changed to the point that human beings have gone through a transformation where they are in touch with their primal instincts. They have become faster and stronger, and their senses in general have become more evolved. With this evolution, however, came a sort of mutation if you would call it that.

Let me explain.

Human beings now have primary and secondary genders. The primary gender is what you are typically assigned at birth, be it male or female. It is determined by the scientific aspect which is whether you have the XY chromosome or the XX chromosome. It is also determined by your outer sexual organs.

Now, the secondary gender is what you develop into during puberty, and it is what makes you be in touch with your inner primate self. Secondary gender is also what is used to determine the hierarchy in society. It is divided into three classes, namely, Alpha, Omega, and Beta.

Now, due to the evolvement of the human race, humans have developed the ability to release pheromones, go into rut or heat, and possess the ability to find their fated pair, i.e., soul mate if you will.

In these different gender classes, the most commonly found are betas as they occupy over 70% of the human population. They are considered to be neutral and more level-headed compared to the other two classes. Although they have the ability to release pheromones, they do not, however, go into ruts or heat. Typically, only female betas have the ability to bear children, and only male betas have the ability to impregnate.

Betas produce what is called beta pheromones and have the ability to detect other pheromones, but they have little to no effect on them. For pheromones to affect them as severely as they do other classes, the other classification has to be what we consider a prime, and these are very rare in current society.

Then we have Alphas, this secondary classification is considered to be top of the hierarchy due to them being more physically advanced than the other classes. They are generally faster, stronger, and more dominant compared to their counter parts. Their pheromones are also stronger and more imposing. They can also be considered to be more intelligent, protective, and / or to be more on the aggressive side.  Due to these attributes, Alphas tend to be wealthier and hold positions of power in society. Alphas make up only 20% of the current society.

Alphas can be either male or female. Female Alphas can fall pregnant only if impregnated by another alpha,but the chances of them doing so are very slim. Irregardless of their primary gender, alphas have the ability to impregnate omegas and Beta females. They have what is called a rut every couple of months, and during this time, they are highly fertile and in their most primal state. Although due to the advancement of technology, ruts are better managed and controlled.

Alphas also have better control of their pheromones and can use them to affect other classifications, mostly omegas, but the rarer kind of alphas known as prime alphas can affect betas, too. They also possess what is known as an alpha voice in which the command they give the other classification is had to ignore or refute, this too mostly affects omegas but  prime alphas voice/command can affect betas too.

The last classification is Omega, and they make up only 10% of the population. Omegas usually have a high fertility rate, and just like alphas, they can be both male or female. Although, throughout the years, male omegas have become rarer. They have monthly heat in which they are at their most primal state and more fertile. But then again, thanks to the advancement in technology, these too have become easier to control.

Omegas tend to be more timid, docile, quiet, cute, and have a more feminine build. Due to this, they used to be looked down upon by society. Although over the years more omegas have become more assertive and unions have been formed specifically to protect omegas.

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