Triggered and an omega cries!

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It had only been a day since Dunk had settled into his new apartment when his sweet, sweet baby brother called him to pick him up. He knew something was wrong just from the tone of his voice alone, although he could tell that his baby brother was trying to mask it.

When he picked him up from  his dorm his brother was already waiting outside with a dufflebag and his favourite bunny plushie clutched tightly to his chest. His brother was wearing sweatpants and an oversized hoodie, one he recognised to be Pond's. His usually pale skin was flushed feverious pink, with his usually golden brown eyes   bright as the raging sun.

Was Fourth in heat? But how? Usually his baby brother's heats have been regular since he was 14 and with him being on suppressants have never affected him to such a point that they would have physical symptoms.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Dunk asked taking the dufflebag from his younger brother and putting it in the backseat of his Range Rover defender 110.

It wasn't until Fourth was sitted in the passenger sit all buckled up that he replied. "I am fine. I think I am in preheat, and will be going into heat soon."

Judging from the hoarseness of his voice, the sweat glistening on his forehead and the sickly sweet scent of of overripe strawberries or sugary cream cake permeating the car that this wasn't preheat but actual heat.

"How did this happen? Did you skip your suppressants?" Dunk asked although he knows that one missed dose of suppressants cannot actually trigger heat especially if a person had been taking them regularly for years. But then again Fourth wasn't any regular omega. Maybe the stress of moving, starting varsity and the unfamiliarity of his new surroundings might have triggered his heat?

"No hia Dunk. I didn't skip my dosage of pills. Some asshole alpha used their pheromones on me and I think that triggered my heat." Fourth replied, his voice hoarse and low panting a bit as if he had used up too much energy running.

"What the fuck? Who? I will kill him." Dunk said, anger brewing inside of him. How dare that person use pheromones on his baby brother to get him to submit. The unconsented use of pheromones on another person was prohibited. Unless the use is for calming a child or an omega in distress. Now some asshole used it on his baby brother to get him to submit to his whims. Wait until Pond hears about this-

"Please don't tell hia Pond. I am fine. It didn't work on me but I might have lost control of my pheromones briefly. You know after all the training I had toughened me up." Fourth said weakly. Fine he won't tell Pond but he wasn't needed because he would kill that person himself.

Dunk remembers the training that Fourth went through between the ages on 12-14. Pheromone release therapy is what was called. Him and Pond were firmly against it at the time but their parents thought it was a good idea. Fourth was exposed to different types of pheromones that were supposed to weaken his resolve and cause him to become submissive. The whole training revolved around Fourth building the ability to resist such pheromones and building his tolerance.

Dunk didn't think it was working and put his foot down when Fourth had such an intense heat that he got sick for almost two months after that. In hindsight the training did work because his baby brother had build a tolerance of some sort. Which makes Dunk what sort of Alpha could've affected his baby brother to the point that his heat was triggered.

When Dunk got to his apartment Fourth was already asleep and feverishly hot. He carried him into his apartment with the dufflebag in hand. Dunk sometimes forget that his baby brother is very fragile despite the tough guy front he puts up. He understands him though because it must have been lonely being the only omega in the family growing up. People around you not knowing how to treat you, not being able to relate to anyone.

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