chosen mates and horny thoughts

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After that whole incident and Joong ended up having an omega cry used on him, with the addition of having his whole anatomy controlled by the use of omega pheromones. Something he has never thought would happen to him as a dominant alpha. He ended up going into pseudo rut that lasted 1-2 days.

The person who had it worse, though, was his younger brother. His rut lasted 5 days, and in that 5 days, he experienced a lot of pent-up aggression, some migraines, and anger outbursts. The only way he could explain it was that the whole duration felt like watching an aggressive tiger stuck in an expensive condo, destroying everything in its way. He had replaced almost all the future in the condo that Gemini ended up breaking.

Joong had to take care of his brother for the duration of his rut because there were times when Gemini was out of it. There were times Gemini would call out for his mate, which confused the living hell out of Joong because, as far as he knew, Gemini was not bonded nor did he have a mate.

It was only after a day after his rut ended that Joong got to understand that Gemini thought Fourth, the same omega that made him lose control, was his mate. So that is why he had decided to call his beta brother to knock some sense into his younger brother. If anyone can do it, it would be Phuwin.

"So let me get this straight. You think that Fourth, the same omega who made you lose control. The same omega you were rude to and insulted is your mate?" Phuwin asked, scowling at their younger brother.

"I didn't know he was an omega, and like I told you last time, I didn't mean to lose control." Gemini replied.

"It doesn’t matter if you meant it or not, Gem. The point is you did. You need to stay away from him." Phuwin said, tone much softer than earlier.

"His brother, the one who wanted to kill us. Remember him? Yeah, he warned us to stay away from his younger brother." Joong added, hoping some sense would be knocked into his baby brother's head.

"He wouldn't have been able to get a single punch out of me." Gemini said stubbornly.

"That is not the point, Gem. The point is we don't want to escalate things and cause some sort of war here. I checked the boy out, and they are from the Jirochitkul family. They are the family that specialises in medical supplies. They have shares in the majority of Thailand's hospitals and abroad, too. We don't want to be making enemies out of them." Joong explained, hoping his younger brother would drop this, despite knowing how stubborn he was.

"The Jirochitkul family? As in Fourth is the younger brother of Pond Naravit Jirochitkul?" Phuwin asked as if that bared any significance in this conversation.

"Yes! That is why we need to drop it." Joong replied.

"So what if they are the Jirochitkul? We are Titicharoenrak equally as wealthy and powerful. And we are not making enemies because I plan to court Fourth." Gemini said stubbornly.

"You plan to what?" It was Phuwin who asked, sounding a little outraged.

"I plan to court him, marry him, and have him become my mate." Gemini explained, like it was that simple.

"No, no, no! You absolutely can't do that." Phuwin said a little frantic.

"And who is going to stop me?" Gemini replied with the confidence of a person who knows what they are capable of. Gemini liked to show the dominant side of him, always being their cute little brother. Yet, at this moment, the confidence in his stance and voice. The determination in his silver black eyes. At this moment, he was the pure breed prime Alpha that he was that even Phuwin shrinked back a little.

"Okay, fine. Calm down a bit, okay? What makes you so sure that Fourth is your mate?" Phuwin asked, trying to defuse the situation.

"I don't know how to explain it. I just know it." Gemini replied, sounding a little frustrated.

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