protective alpha brothers

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Phuwin managed to get his boyfriend to cool off on playing the overprotective brother. He just hopes his boyfriend will be able to convince the other protective brother. He has heard that Dunk can be quite fiesty and thinks that they might be great friends one day. Hopefully, after their little brothers get married. Or maybe after him and Pond get married. He would like that a lot.

For now, though, he hopes the talk between his older brother and Dunk went well. He prays to every living entity that his little brother has kept his cool and actually listened to him for once. Phuwin knows that Gemini can be quite stubborn, too confident in his abilities, and does what he thinks is the best.

It's not like his little brother is arrogant. It's just that he trusts more in his abilities than anyone else. He feels like he can't trust other people if he doesn't trust himself. He is an alpha through and through, which means he relies more on his instincts, gut feeling if you would call it that. He trusts his instincts more than other people.

Phuwin knows that his primal instincts must be in overdrive. He must be going crazy with the need to want to care and feed his mate. He must want to cover Fourth with the softest blankets and feed him warm meals. That is, after all, what a good alpha would do.

"How did it go?" Phuwin asked his older brother as soon as he entered Gemini's apartment. They have decided to camp there just to keep an eye on their little brother.

"Well, I don't have a black eye or any scratches, so I would say it went pretty good." Joong responded, going to the fridge and taking out a bottle of water.

"Good for you, but I meant did you at least convince him to back off? You know, get the green light?" Phuwin asked.

"Well, not exactly." Joong replied after chugging half of the water in the bottle.

"P'Joong! What does that even mean?" Phuwin asked.

"The good news is he didn't threaten to kill us. The other not so good news was that he told us to stay away from Fourth." Joong said as he took a seat of the couch opposite him.

"I should've expected this, but it's okay. Hopefully, P'Pond will be able to talk some sense into him." Phuwin replied, talking more to himself than his older brother.

"Oh my God!" Joong exclaimed, making Phuwin look at him with a frown.

"What?" Phuwin asked.

"You are sleeping with him." Joong said to which Phuwin's frown deepened.

"What?" Phuwin asked again, trying to feign ignorance. How did Joong figure him out?

"You are sleeping with the older brother!" Joong said, looking very sure of himself. This was bad.

"What? P'Joong! What are you talking about?" Phuwin asked, hoping his short of nerves don't give him away. It's a good thing he was a beta and only had beta neutral pheromones, or they would have given him away.

"Don't try play dumb with me. I know you nong'Phu. How long have you been sleeping with him?" Joong asked.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I am not sleeping with him." Phuwin lied. He knew it was no use because Joong had figured him out. Usually, his older brother is like a dog with a bone, and he won't certainly let this go.

"This makes so much sense now. All those business trips. They went business trips, were they? I should've suspected it when you offered to go in my place. You were never interested in such things."Joong said, and it was as if he was reading his mind. Damn his brother's good intuation.

"They were business trips, and I was taking them because I wanted to network more for future purposes." Phuwin kept at his lie.

"Bullshit! How long has it been, and don't  even think about lying to me?" Joong said, and when he said it in that tone. The "I am your big brother, and I know everything." Tone, it made it harder for Phuwin to lie. After all, Joong had known him his entire existence.

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