coffee dates?

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Fourth finally had the chance to go back to the dorms after 2 weeks of trying to convince his older brothers that he was fine. They had dragged him to an endocrinologist who said that because of  the triggered heat, and the over excessive release of pheromones he had to stop the suppressants and birth control to let his body naturally fix it's own cycle.

So he has had to rely on just scent patches to control his apparently excessively sweet pheromones. His brother said the scent has gotten milder over the weeks, less like sugary cream cake and more like overripe strawberries. Which Fourth considers a good thing and thus convinced his brothers to let him go back to the dorms and resume uni. For the last two weeks, he has been doing online classes, and he was sick of it. The whole reason he fought so hard was to actually experience student life, not to be stuck in his older brother's fancy apartment.

"Are you sure you will be okay? Do you have enough money in your bank account? I can transfer you more if you need some." Dunk asked, they were still in his Range Rover at the parking lot. Fourth had insisted that Dunk just drop him off, there wasn't any need to walk him upstairs to his room.

"Hia I am fine. The money that both you and P'Pond gave me last time is still there, unused. Also Por has already sent me my allowance." Fourth reassured his older brother. He could see that Dunk was a bundle of nerves, too anxious to see him out of his sight.

"Okay. If you need anything or if you are not feeling well or if you feel like something might be wrong please call me right away." Dunk said.

"I promise." Fourth said, "see I even put your number on speed dial." He added showing Dunk his phone.

"I love you na. And please take it easy. Don't do anything strenuous." Dunk said, cupping Fourth's cheek in the palm of his hand.

"I love you too. I promise I I'll take it easy." Fourth replied, nuzzling Dunk's palm. Inhaling his older brother's flowery beta scent.

When Fourth got to his shared dorm room he found his roommate and now friend drying his hair and listening to what sounded like Isan music singing along to it.

"Interesting choice of music." Fourth said in greeting, making his occupied friend to turn from the mirror and face him.

"Fourth!" Ford said jumping up from his bed to Fourth and gave the other a bear hug. Hugged him so tightly that Fourth almost ran out of air.

"It's great to see you too." Fourth said, gently extracting himself from Ford before he gets crushed to death.

"I missed you so much. I mean I know we've only known each other for like a few days but still. It was so lonely here without you and P'Satang is always so busy." Ford said making Fourth laugh.

"I missed you too." Fourth replied, "Are you going somewhere? You look all dressed up." He added noticing how his friend looks.

"Oh! Yeah. Actually I have band practice but I am meeting up with P'Satang first at his faculty. Do you wanna come with? Or do you need to rest? I could always cancel and come up with an excuse. I know P'Satang will be mad but he'll get over it." Ford replied.

"No need to cancel. Trust me I had more than enough rest. I would love to come with you. Are you sure nobody would mind though?" Fourth asked, he really wanted to go out but he also didn't want to inconvenience anyone.

"Of course not! The band members would love to see you. They don't believe me when I told them that I have a super pretty roommate because none of them have met you and it's been almost a month." Ford replied putting on his cardigan to complete the whole soft boy look he had going on.

"You flatter me. Nobody is prettier than my roommate." Fourth said making Ford giggle.

"Such a smooth talker." Ford replied with his cheeks coloring pink. Fourth was delighted to find out that his roommate blushes easily. He will store this information to use later.

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