The beginning of the end

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Fourth's grandfather was known to have been one of the most powerful lycans in the Jirochitkul family and perhaps in the entire Thailand. He was the leader of the pack, an Alpha through and through. However, the problem with people who had a greed for power is that they didn't know when to stop even when they already had power.

When a wolf was born in the family for the first time in centuries, he felt his position was threatened. When Fourth presented to be an omega, he relaxed a bit. If the boy had been an Alpha, he would have to eradicate him. There was no way he was going to give up his position. However, an idea struck him. If he were to mate with a pure bred wolf, then his power could only increase. Fourth's power and essence would be his.

It was never going to be that easy, though. His son would not allow it, especially with that Alpha mate of his. He knew that Fourth's mother wouldn't hesitate to take Fourth and flee with him. So he schemed, manipulated, and he lied.

"It is for his protection. Don't you want him to be safe." He would say.

"I know what I am talking about. Do you think I would harm my own grandson?" He would whisper.

Fourth's parents gave in and allowed him to nuture Fourth, to "treat" him and to tame the young wolf. Obviously, he didn't tell them how he would do it, but the fools trusted him. Why wouldn't they? He raised Fourth's father, and he knew how to control him. Fourth's mother, on the other hand, had complete trust in Fourth's father that she trusted his judgment.

The thing, though, was that in order to mate with Fourth, he needed the young omega to submit to him. Fourth wasn't any ordinary omega, nor was he an ordinary lycan. He was a wolf, and wolves could be pretty stubborn. Fourth was stubborn, too. He would bite, scratch, and sometimes just turn into his wolf form, and he couldn't even get near him.

After some time, he believed he was making progress. Although Fourth still resisted him and wasn't submissive per se. The young omega wasn't as aggressive as before, so he genuinely believed he was making progress, but he was wrong. He shouldn't have underestimated the omega.

He realised his mistake when he was bleeding to death, his throat torn apart by the young omega before looking into his fiery eyes and realizing that there was so much more to Fourth than meets the eye but it was too late.

Years later after Fourth's grandfather's death, people who were associated with him started disappearing, some being found in a state of shock, catatonic and basically a shell of who they were and one of them was Korn.

Korn's son, Paul, had witnessed it all, well not all of it but he had seen the shadow of a giant wolf and he had seen blood splatter across the walls as his entire family was being slaughtered to death. The only thing he could do was take his father and flee.  He fled the country, and he had never looked back until now.

Paul was aware that his father was plagued by nightmares, he doesn't really know what his father saw but he knows it must have been horrific, he knows that whoever killed his family, a family of strong lycans, must have been a monster. What Paul didn't expect, however, was that the monster was actually a sickly young omega.

Paul had considered that it could be the older Alpha brother or perhaps the Beta brother but his investigations and research he had spent years and a fortune on indicated that the young omega was the one who slaughterd his family to death.

Paul wanted vengeance. He wanted to avenge his father, who was nothing but a mindless vegetable plagued by nightmares every day. He wanted to avenge his mother, his sister, his then pregnant wife, and an unborn child. The young omega had taken everything away from him, and he wanted to do just that.

Paul, however, wasn't naive enough to think that he could take on the omega by himself. That's why he searched for a way to get rid of the omega. His searches led him to options, to people who seemed to want to get rid of the omega out of vengeance or pure greed. So slowly, he gathered those of his kind and set out a plan.

They didn't know much about Fourth, but they knew he was a prime omega who also happened to be a lycan. They didn't understand what made him so special, what made him so powerful to be able to kill grown adult lycans all by himself, they reasoned it must his ability to use his omega voice. They believed that he put people in a trance so he could have an advantage to kill them.

They knew that the young omega was admitted for quite a long time at the hospital and the medical records that they managed to get their hands on. The records showed memory loss, some sort of post-traumatic amnesia, and they showed a trauma on the young omega's reproductive system that could only indicate severe sexual trauma.

Paul was well aware that his family, his father particularly, wasn't a good person, but he wouldn't do that, not to a child. Would he? Was that why Fourth went after his family and all the other families of his alliances? Did they do this to him? Paul refused to believe that his father would be capable of this. His mother wouldn't have allowed it to happen. His father wasn't a good person, but he wasn't a monster. Was he?

Paul kept some of Fourth's medical history to himself. He wouldn't want some of his alliances to be swayed by things such as pity or try to understand the monstrosity of Fourth's actions. They were going to take everything that the young Omega valued and held close to his heart. They were going to make him suffer just as much as he has done to them.

Paul continued to look for more information about Fourth and his family. He noticed that the young omega was surrounded by protective people, who spoiled him and treated him like fragile glass. Paul wondered if they knew of Fourth's actions, if they knew that he was a cold-blooded killer.

It didn't look like it and Paul debated with himself if his plan to eradicate Fourth's family was fair to them if they had no knowledge of his misdeeds but he quickly brushed that thought to the side. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth and thus a family for a family. Paul was determined to cause Fourth the same amount of pain as he had gone through before he finally killed him.

He has spent years preparing for this and gathered an army of men and women willing to fight for him. Not just ordinary men but lycans. He has perfected his wolf, and he believed that he had reached a stage in his life where he might be even more powerful than his grandfather and his father combined.

"Are you ready to go back to Thailand master Paul." One of his devoted servants asked.

"I've never been more ready." Paul replied with a glint if something sinister and dangerous in his eyes.


"Oh... I see you've bonded with my brother. I must say it is rather quick but not unexpected. I guess congratulations are in order."
AN: I was planning to make this a quick ABO fic, but then I got carried away and then I thought to myself what is the point of making Fourth and Gemini this powerful without an enemy lurking around? And thus Paul has entered the chat. I honestly don't know how long this will be maybe if you are still interested you can stay tuned. Rak na kha jub jub. 💕💓

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