The Jirochitkul brothers

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Pond knew that Dunk was not going to take the news of him dating Phuwin who is supposedly the brother of their "enemy" well. How Gemini had become their enemy was a mystery to him. He knew his younger brother tended to hold grudges but this was ridiculous.

"Now it makes sense why you agreed to let that devil try to seduce our little brother. You know what? You are a grown man so I won't stop you. Go ahead and galavant with the enemy for all you want but I am not letting my baby brother get involved with that hooligan." Dunk said, sounding very upset. Typical Dunk with his theatrics.

"Gemini is not a hooligan and since when did they become the enemy?" Pond asked feeling exhausted. They have been having discussion for almost an hour now. At first Dunk was just shouting and saying the most ridiculous things.

"They became our enemy the moment that person endangered our little brother's life!" Dunk shouted.

"We went through this. It was a mistake, he didn't mean to do it. And that person has a name you know?" Pond explained patiently once again.

"It doesn’t matter. If you want to sleep with the enemy that is fine but I will not allow my sweet precious baby brother to get involved." Dunk stubbornly replied.

"Well you won't have a choice because the Titicharoenrak have contacted our parents in order to to start the courting process." Pond said and watched as his younger brother turn an interesting shade of red.

"They did what?" Dunk asked so loud that Pond had to cover his ear so he doesn't lose his hearing.

"Would you please calm down." Pond said patiently.

"Those bastards." Dunk grumbled.

"Hey! You are talking about my future in-laws." Pond reprimanded.

"Well not mine. I am not letting that- that boy marry my baby brother." Dunk said.

"Irregardless of whether or not Gemini marries Fourth. The Titicharoenrak are going to be our in laws because I plan to marry Phuwin." Pond said and watched as his younger brother freak out all over again.

"What? Why on earth would you do that? Are you going to be courting him too?" Dunk asked, outraged.

"What do you mean why? He is my boyfriend, and I love him. I don't need to court him because we are already in a relationship. Also Mae and Por approve of our relationship." Pond said deciding to take a seat. He could feel the on coming headache already.

"Am I the last one to find out about this?" Dunk asked looking both angry and hurt.

"Dunkdunk... listen I promise I wasn't keeping any of this purposely from you. I told Mae and Por recently because I am serious about Phuwin and I love him. Can you not understand that." Pond said softly, "I am sorry if you are hurt because of this. Also I haven't told Fotfot yet so technically you are not the last one to find out."He added and watched his stubborn brother soften a bit.

"Fine." Dunk said, "I guess I will accept them as my in laws if this Phuwin guy makes you happy. However you can forget about it if you think I will accept that hooligan to taint my baby brother." He added stubbornly.

"Here we go again." Pond said with much exasperation.

"Look you can be happy with your boyfriend or whatever and maybe he is a nice guy but I don't trust that zodiac named boy." Dunk continued stubbornly.

"Zodiac named boy? Are you referring to Gemini? Do you really dislike him that much that you can't even say his name?" Pond asked laughing because he was amazed at how stubborn Dunk could be.

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