Fights and reconciliations

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Phuwin was ecstatic because today was the day they would be going to the Jirochitkul to formally ask for their youngest son hand in marriage. Okay, not a hand in marriage per se, but they are going to ask for permission to court their youngest son, but it will lead to marriage, so it's basically the same thing.

The other reason he was excited about was that they would be finally announcing their relationship to their family. So it means no more sneaking around and only seeing each other once every two weeks. They could go on dates publicly, at a nice cafe or even have a picnic in the park.

The other person who seemed excited was his older brother Joong, and it didn't seem it was necessarily for getting their little brother a mate. Phuwin will have to keep an eye out for him if he has time, that is.

His precious baby brother as annoying as he was. He seemed to be very nervous, he had never seen him this nervous before, not even when he took his entrance exams to uni he wasn't this nervous.

"Relax, it will go great. It's just a formality at this point." Phuwin said hoping to calm his baby brother's nerves.

"Phi... you don't understand the second older brother hates me." Gemini said in response.

"He can't be that bad." Phuwin stated, unsure because he has never met the guy. Pond described him as a little fierce but practically harmless.

"Phi! He wanted to and I quote "beat the living shit out of me" and I believed he would've too if that whole incident happen." Gemini replied.

"You are exaggerating." Phuwin rolled his eyes, as if a beta could take on Gemini when he dominated over his father at the mere age of 14 and their father was one of the strongest Alphas in their family.

"I am serious Phi. You weren't there." Gemini insisted.

"Whatever." Phuwin replied and turned to his older brother to ask instead. "What did you think of him P'Joong."

"I thought he was cute, kind of like an aggressive chihuahua. I kinda want to put him in my pocket. Even if he might bite me. I wouldn't mind." Joong replied.

"Wait! Do you like him? As in like him like him?" Gemini asked, his interest piqued and his early nerves momentarily forgotten.

"What's not to like? He is so pretty and assertive too. I like that in a partner." Joong replied with a shrug.

"And you forgot to mention that he is also crazy." Gemini said.

"Well I like my partners a little spicy." Joong said with a smirk and both his brothers gagged.

"Only you would fall for someone like that." Phuwin said with a shake of his head.

"Look who is talking. You are dating that stupid Alpha Pond." Joong said with a roll of his eyes.

"Hey! Pond is not stupid. He is really smart and that just makes him even more sexy." Phuwin said in defense of his boyfriend.

"You both sound lame." Gemini said looking disappointed in his older brother's.

"Excuse me? You are the one courting the guy you insulted, triggered his heat and his brothers probably don't like you." Phuwin replied with a scowl.

"I did not insult him, I am just not good with words. Also it's not my fault I reacted that way. It was clearly fate because we are meant to be together." Gemini said with a petulant pout.

"Everytime I think you are done being delusional you keep surprising me." Joong said to Gemini.

"Rude! I don't think our meeting was a coincidence and I know we are meant to be together. We are fated pairs. I am a prime Alpha and he is a prime Omega. Come on hia what's not clicking?" Gemini said in response.

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