O3 I Put My Trust In You

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I had just drenched my waffles in syrup when the doorbell rang. Dad was closest and opened the door. I nearly choked on my food when I heard who it was.

"Hi, I'm Peter Conway. A friend of Faye."

"And my wife apparently," my dad grumbled as he ushered Peter inside.

My mom, who had been frowning all morning, had nothing but smiles for our guest. "Peter, what are you doing here so early? Would you like some breakfast? I can make a few more waffles."

I was ready to shovel my breakfast in my mouth and pull Peter out of there when he said, "I'd love some, actually. It smells delicious, Mrs. Moore."

Mr. Manners claimed the chair next to me as my mom set a plate of eggs in front of him. "I'll be right out with more waffles." To me she hissed, "Sit up and elbows off the table."

I felt my face bunch up at her request. When had no elbows on the table ever been a rule in this house?

"This is nice," Peter said to no one in particular. My dad was busy on his phone and I was still trying to figure out why my mom was trying so hard with Peter. "I have four brothers, so meal time is usually a cage match."

"I can steal your eggs if that would make you feel more at home." I offered. My mother's cooking was legendary. So, I wouldn't mind another helping.

"Try having three sisters and get back to me," My dad said, lowering his phone to stare down Peter. "You ever get stabbed with an eyeliner pencil?"

Peter glanced at me, probably wondering if he was joking. He wasn't. Be still had the scar on his leg. "Uh, no, sir."

"It's highly unpleasant."

I hid my laughter behind another bite of waffles.

"Henry, what have I told you about discussing stabbings at the table?"

"Literally, nothing," I said. Our family was not formal. We sat down to eat as a family, sure, but we didn't have rules about elbows or stabbings.

She piled three waffles onto Peter's plate before sitting down at the head of the table across from my dad. "Well, I'm saying something now."

We settled into a silence as we ate our food. I tried to ignore the fact that Peter Conway was at my table. His thigh so close to mine, I could feel the heat from it. Today he wore a Linkin Park t-shirt that fit him perfectly. He also smelled like cedar wood and menthol. It was nice. If you were into that. Which I wasn't.

"So, Peter, what brings you by today?" My mom asked.

He politely waited to swallow his food before replying. "They daycamp starts on Monday, but there is still a lot of prepping to be done before then. I came by to see if Faye could help."

My mom looked to me, wary. "Faye is actually grounded for her behavior in Mrs. Payne's class yesterday."

I stuffed more eggs into my mouth to keep from saying something that'd get me in even more trouble.

"But I guess if she's with you, it'll be fine."

My head whipped in my mom's direction. Whatever super power Peter had over adults, I needed.

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