O4 Baby Keep My Heart Beating

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My nails dug deep into the forearm of whoever grabbed me from behind. The person yelped and dropped me on the dirt trail.

"Chill, Faye! It's just me."

I looked up at Daniel McGiffens. His brown hair swooped low on his forehead, nearly obscuring his dark eyes. It'd been days since I'd been this close to him. That cologne that used to drive me crazy now made me dizzy in a bad way.

He examined the scratches on his on his arm, blood beading up along them. "Dammit, Faye." He hissed.

Getting up from the dirt, I dusted myself off. "You're lucky It's just a scratch! Next time, don't try to scare people."

"Don't be so sensitive. It was a joke."

"Screw you." I pushed him out the way and continued to my house.

He jogged to catch up to me. "I saw that video you posted."

I slowed my pace, looking over at him. I'd hoped he'd see it and know what a jerk he'd been. I wanted to know if hearing my lyrics made him realize his mistake. That he'd want me back. Not that I'd ever take him back, because he was the worst person on the planet.

"Good." I spat.

"Not good." His hand gripped my arm, yanking me into him. "Have you seen the comments? People know it's about me!"

Since losing my song book, I hadn't thought to check the comments on that video. Whatever he was talking about must've been new comments I hadn't read yet.

"You make me sound like dick."

"All I did was tell the truth. If you sound like a dick, that's on you. Now let me go!" He did the opposite. His grip tightened and he pulled me so close I felt the heat of his breath on my face.

"The truth? The truth is you're a crazy bitch and you're pissed I called you out on it."

"Don't be so sensitive." I threw his words back him.

"I want the video taken down. Tonight."

"Get a court order and maybe I'll consider it," I shot back.

Anger flashed across his face. I braced myself for a fight. I could finally put those self defense classes my dad forced me and my sister to take to good use use.


Daniel and I looked in the direction of the voice. Peter Conway ran across the field in a second, his eyes zoned in on Daniel like he was ready to take his head off. What was he even doing her?

"This doesn't concern you, Conway." Daniel seethed.

"It does, actually. Take your hands off her." This Peter sounded nothing like the charming guy everyone loved. This Peter sounded like he was out for blood.

"I can handle myself, Peter. Go save the dolphins or something." I said, trying to decided between Daniel's grion or his nose. Both would most likely take him down.

"I know you can," Peter agreed, not missing a beat. "I just don't want to see Daniel get too hurt. He just got a scholarship for baseball. It'd be shame for him to put it in jeopardy by getting beat up by a girl."

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