16 Just One More Night

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My dad looked up from his phone when I came down the stairs wearing a dress, booties, and a light jean jacket.

"You look fancy." He observed. "Where are you going?"

"No idea." I joined him on the couch, resting my head on his shoulder. "When I get back, we should watch a movie"

"Faye, I'm fine," he insisted. I'd heard that a lot from him since my mom left for a second time. Now that she stormed out of the house with even more clothes, I figured she wasn't coming back for a while.

I couldn't tell if my dad was simply over her antics, or he had hope she'd calm down and come back, but he wasn't as broken up as last time.

"I might not be here when you get back," he told me. "Poker night at Jackson's."

That meant he'd be out until at least two in the morning. Thankfully his job was flexible, so he'd be able to sleep off his hangover tomorrow.

The doorbell rang and I popped up. I'd been able to keep the nerves at bay all day. But I felt like I could puke.

My dad gave me weird look. "You know that was on the tv, right?"

I settled back into the couch, face burning. "Obviously," I mumbled.

He laughed, then he took in my outfit again. "You're waiting for that Conway boy, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am. Why? Do you have a problem with him?" I asked, checking my hair in the reflection of my phone.

"Yes, he's too polite," he said simply. "He comes to the door instead of texting or honking. He cleans the kitchen without being asked. Worst of all, he has you grinning like that."

I hadn't realized I'd been smiling until he pointed it out. Pressing my lips into a flat line, I turned to him. "How are those bad things?"

"Because that's the kind of boy my little girl deserves," he admitted with a sigh.

My dad giving Peter his seal of approval was very unexpected. He wasn't as vocal as my mom about my poor choice in boys, but he never liked them. He perfected his glare over the years thanks to the boys Sabrina and I brought over.

"But you're still a seven year old missing her front teeth and shouldn't be dating." He turned back to the tv. "I'm conflicted."

I smiled at his words. "Sorry to break it to you, but I have all my adult teeth now."

"Well, doesn't mean I have to like it," he grumbled.

The doorbell rang again, that time it wasn't the tv. Peter was there. It was time for our real date. The first and last.

My heart was ready to jump out of my chest as I stood from the couch and made my way to the door.

When I opened the door, I was greeted by Peter and his heart stopping smile. Had he always been this handsome? I mean, I knew he was cute, but this...

I'd been so focused on his face I almost didn't noticed his shirt. A plain black short sleeved button-up.

"No band shirt today?" I was only slightly disappointed. I enjoyed seeing his collection.

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