13 Like A Scene, Like A Dream

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It'd been a week and my mom still hadn't come home or even checked in with me. My dad and I adjusted to our new normal, the two of making breakfast together every morning. Two half decent cooks made one great cook, right? It was basic math.

After breakfast I usually headed to the garage where Cherry helped me recreate the stage at the roller rink that was being rented out for the birthday party I was set to sing at.

It might've only been a small concert for a bunch of thirteen year olds who didn't know me, but it was technically my first ever solo concert.

Bea Lopez still hadn't replied to my email. I figured I took too long and she was no longer interested. On the off chance that she's simply been too busy girl bossing, I wanted footage of the concert. And I wanted it to look good.

Tameka's little sister, Neveah, had good taste in music. The playlist Ryan sent me had Sabrina Carpenter, Billie Ellish, SZA, Ariana Grande, and a whole lot more. I picked five upbeat songs that worked with my voice range and had the list approved by the birthday girl before working on a routine.

I spent hours in that garage, sweating my butt off with the same five songs instrumentals on repeat.

Now, on the day of the party, I hummed Nonsense by Sabrina Carpenter under my breath as I watched the awkward preteens. The girls and the boys were separated into different group on the roller rink. Both groups terrified to approach the other.

"Maybe if someone administered some cootie shots, they'd be less scared." Peter said, coming to stand bedside me.

Only he and Ryan were there. A rare sight because the Conways usually traveled in a pack.

Peter leaned his arms on the short wall that separated the skate floor from the carpet. His forearm brushing against my own.

This had been our new normal ever since that night on the Ferris wheel where he pretty much said he wanted to drop the fake part of our fake relationship. That night we swapped positions. Now, I was the one getting flustered when he made a suggestive joke or whenever we had the slightest physical contact.

I'd never been shy around guys, so this was entirely new territory. Never in my sixteen and a half years on this earth has a member of the male species been able turn me into a blushing thirteen year with a loss for words.

Until Mr. Perfect.

I couldn't form a comeback for his cootie shot quip because I was too busy thinking about how it'd feel to have his arms around me instead of just against me.

Thankfully I didn't have to as two girls skated over to us. "Hi," a freakishly tall thirteen-year-old said.

"Hey..." I said, unsure what this was about. I glanced at Peter who shrugged.

The girl's friend nudged her in the side, and the taller one continued, "We love your song I Don't Wanna Dance With You!"

The second girl nodded so quickly her glasses almost fell off.

My jaw dropped because no way was this happening. No way were two complete strangers recognizing me for my music.

Without my confirmation, the girl sounded unsure. "You are her, right? Faye Moore?"

"She is," Peter said when it was clear I was too stunned to speak. He placed an encouraging hand on my back, jolting into action.

"Sorry. Yeah, that's my song," I told them, stammering.

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