Chapter 1- An Unwelcome Surprise

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January 6th,2041

Congressman Jason McCord (D-VA-4), was voting to confirm the victory of his party in the previous year's presidential election. In that Election , Elias Harrington had been elected president and Spencer Pol, Vice President. His mother had been a former president and had served two terms in the White House. He came from a Political family, so he knew the ups and downs of the system having been the first son from 2021-28.

His name is called "McCord of Virginia!"

"Ay!" He calls.

The Vote count continues until the vote reaches a finale. The result of the presidential election is confirmed.

Having once been a radical leftist, his views had moderated over the years under the influence of his mother and father and their service to the country. However he was still placed firmly left of center.

The President-Elect summons him to his office.

"Dr. McCord!" Harrington says.

It was still weird to hear that refer to himself and not his father who had also had a doctorate. But his father's was in ethics and his was in Political Science.

He asks "Mr. President-Elect! What can I do for you"

Harrington answers "I would like to appoint you to my cabinet".

"What Position? Education?"

He had always wanted to reform education, as he felt it was key to the future of the country.

"No, I want you to follow in the footsteps of your mother" the President-Elect says and continues "The State department".

He pondered in his head, he knew he could do much good in the world if he accepted, and would be making his mother proud.

"I accept!" He said.

"Good, Dr. McCord." Harrington responded. The President-Elect continued "I have made one appointment to your staff, it is a relative of an important donor. One who we would not have won the election without."

"Who is it?" He asked puzzled.

The President-Elect took him down a hallway, and opened the door. Inside Jason saw a face he had never wanted to see again.

"Jason Meet your new Chief of Staff Preston Walsh" said the President-Elect.

"I'm afraid, I already made the acquaintance" he said.

"You could say that again" Preston said.

"Mr. President-Elect can I have a word? Alone" Jason asked.

They walked into the other room.

The President- Elect asked "What is the problem?"

He responded "Me and Preston have some history... to put it nicely, me and him went to the same school, we got into a fight when he insulted my mother, I broke his nose causing me to be expelled from the school."

The President-Elect responded "I am afraid I cannot fire Preston. His family was crucial to our victory. I am afraid you will have to deal with him. How about you go into the other room and sort out what ever differences you may have?"


He walked back into the room and the President-Elect left.

"Preston... I don't know what you are playing at, but you will follow my orders." He asked

"Jason, you should know there is no game, my family preferred to not have the last administration in power and so we donated to the President-Elect. I got this position unaware of... this situation."

"Still you shall not disobey me or try to make me look bad." He said.

"I wouldn't dream of it" he said with a smug smile on his face "What would you do, break my nose again? That would destroy you."

"Now I remember why I hated you so much" he said.

"And I how defensive you are"

"Can we at least work together for the good of the country? It's at least four years" Jason said.

"Fine for the good of the country."

Jason and Preston shook on it.

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