Chapter 9 - Winter Storm

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On Febuary 1st, 2042,  terrible winter storm struck South Dakota. The Governor of South Dakota last year had published a book called 'Plus Ultra : Never Backwards'. In this book Katrina Nameson, the Governor had confessed to shooting her dog, because it had attacked her chickens. This had made her extremely unpopular with the South Dakotan people.

The President and Jason decided to visit South Dakota after the Winter Storm to survey the damage. In Pierre, they met Governor Nameson.

"Hello, Governor Nameson" Jason said

"Hello, Dr. McCord, Hello Mr. President." She said.

That was rude, not calling him Mr. Secretary or the Honorable.

"Madam Governor" Jason said "The damage is worse than I thought".

Surveying a tree fallen on the Governor's mansion and the whole city was covered in snow.

Nameson said "Dr. McCord can you secure aid from Europe".

"I'll try"

He called Chancellor Schmidt of Germany.

"Hello, Chancellor Schmidt"

"Hello, Mr. Secretary" said the Chancellor.

"Can you help us with aid to South Dakota, FEMA estimates the damage as 10 Billion USD."

Schmidt said "I'm busy helping my own people but I'll pitch in 1 Billion"

"Thank you, your Excellency"

"Your welcome Mr. Secretary" said the Chancellor.

The Relief began, and soon the city was rebuilt.

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