Chapter 7 - The Rise and fall of the Bohemian Reich

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November - December, 2041

Tanks rolled up to government buildings in Prague. The Millitary was taking over. The Czech Republic fell to a military coup and the new flag was hoisted up the flagpole. Democracy in Czechia had died.


Jason was in his office when Preston came up to him.

"Sir" Preston said, "The new leader of the Bohemian Reich, that's what they renamed the Czech Republic, has been doing some terrible things".

"All dictators do terrible things, Preston."

Preston responded "Jan Scar, the President for Life has been oppressing minorities especially the Slovak and German minority."

"That's bad, let me call the President. By the way Preston, I actually like working with you. Never thought I'd ever say that."

"Thank you sir, I feel the same way too" said Preston.

He quickly went to the Oval Office and met with Harrington.

"President Harrington! Sir, We have a situation!"

He pulled out his tablet and scrolled to a news article about the Bohemian Reich. He showed the pictures to the president.

"Satellite pictures are showing mass graves, Mr President. We need to do something to prevent another Rwanda."

"I agree" said Harrington "Get me the so called 'President For life' Scar. I want to have a talk with him".

The Secure teleconference with Jan Scar started.

"Hello Mr. Scar" said the president.

Jan Scar answered back "Greetings your excellency".

"Let's cut to the chase, My Secretary of State has informed me of some disturbing atrocities taking place in your country." Said Harrington

"I don't know what you mean" said Jan Scar.

"Don't play dumb, we know about the mass graves, you have been committing Genocide against your German and Slovak minorities"said the President.

Jan Scar answered "They deserved it, they betrayed us in 1938".

"No" said President Harrington, "You will resign in 24 hours or we will forcibly have you removed".

"I shall not be threatened" said Jan Scar.

"So war it is" said Harrington.

Jason consulted with the leaders of Slovakia and Germany and they agreed to Invade the Bohemian Reich.

The Invasion was swift, Brno was quickly captured. And they advanced on Prague which was captured on . And the war ended with the Execution of Jan Scar.

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