Chapter 10 - Ghost Disease

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March, 2042

In Nunavut, Canada. A man passes by a melting glacier. The man sees a body of a deer, the deer is fully intact so he goes to grab it only to feel ice cold. He drops it and goes back to town unaware of what he was brining with him.


Jason walked to his office and met Preston.

"Hello Preston"

"Hello Jas- I mean Mr. Secretary" said Preston.

"You can call me, Jason, we're friends you know"

Preston "You think of me like that?"

"You are very useful"

"Thank you sir" said Preston, "but we have a situation".

"What is it?"

Preston said "There is a massive outbreak of Smallpox in Canada".

"Smallpox? I thought we got rid of that one."

"Somehow Smallpox has returned" said Preston.

"I see what you did there, God that movie sucked."

"Yeah Rise of Skywalker was garbage" said Preston.

"Wait, I think my Mother had a situation like this, I should ask Blake"

Blake came over.

"Did you know there is a massive outbreak of Smallpox in Canada? Did Mom have to deal with this, I think I remember something?"

Blake said "Yes, she did. There was a Russian Environmentalist who got Smallpox. We thought it was Russia doing it intentionally, but turns out it was climate change. Melting ice allowed the disease to be transmitted from dead animals to the environmentalist."

"Interesting, Blake get me the CDC director and get me the number of cases".

"Ok" said Blake.

CDC director, Carol Winters got on the Video Conference with Jason and the President.

"Director Winters, What can we do about the Smallpox outbreak" asked Harrington.

"I'm afraid not much, It has already entered the country, people in Maine and across the country are being diagnosed with Smallpox" said Winters.

"Isn't there a vaccine?" asked Jason.

"Yes" said Winters, "However the Vaccine is so old, that it works by injecting the milder disease of Cow pox into the body. Cow pox is mild, but still not a safe thing to do. Plus they don't give the Smallpox Vaccine regularly, only to scientists."

Harrington responds "we need to immediately start researching an mRNA vaccine for Smallpox, in the meantime, roll out the current Vaccine. Is their any other measures you would advise."

Winters responds "A new vaccine is estimated to take 9 months to research. In the meantime, there isn't enough of the old Vaccine. The measures I recommend is a social distancing measure and a Mask mandate. Do as much as you can Virtually. China and Europe is already reporting Cases. I heard from the WHO that they are about to declare a Pandemic."

Jason asked "How many cases and deaths have there been?"

Winters answers "5 Million cases and 900,000 deaths."


Then a notification buzzed on Jason's phone and a video opened. It was the WHO.

The Person in charge of the WHO said :

"In light of the massive Outbreak of the Variola major Virus, commonly known as Smallpox. The WHO has decided in this unprecedented time, to declare a Pandemic. All countries are advised to take precautionary measures and prioritize the safety of their civilians."

Then the broadcast ended. Soon the President and Congress would order a mask mandate and Social distancing.

Music for this chapter:

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