Chapter 15- A great tragedy

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May, 2043

Jason was summoned to the Oval Office with Preston.

Preston asked "What do you think he wants you for"

The door opened and President Harrington opened the door.

President Harrington said "Jason, Preston. I need you to go to the United Kingdom for a state Visit"

Spencer pol had pleaded Guilty, and had to pay a fine.

"Ok, I'll go to London. Why do you need me?"

Harrington said "I'm going to the Bahamas for a Vacation".

"Ok, thanks Mr. President".

The Plane took off and 6 hours later they landed in London.


On the 12th of May. President Harrington went to Joint Base Andrews. On the way he stopped at a Cafe. However a Man named Jacob Duke saw his chance. Duke was a Member of the Klan. He fired a bazooka into the Cafe. The building exploded. Police rushed to the scene but it was too late, even though Duke was apprehended, the President passed away an hour later.


Jason was eating dinner in a fancy restaurant when Preston rushed up to him and muttered in his ear "The President has been killed".

Jason asked "Who did it"

Preston said "The Klu Klux Klan is taking credit and the man who did it was a member."

"I need to take the oath, and I have just the idea where to take it".

Jason went to the House of Commons stood over the speaker's chair, he had asked the Prime Minister if he could do this. He raised his hand over a copy of the Constitution and said:

"I, Jason Henry McCord, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. So help me God".

"Congratulations Mr. President" said the Prime Minister.

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