Chapter 6 - Shadows of Justice : The Uganda Crisis

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October, 2041

Joesph Muwanga, stood at the Gallows in Kampala, Uganda. His only crime was his sexuality, punishable by death in Uganda. He was hoisted up and said his last words "To have loved is better than, to have lived". And just like that a man was executed for being Gay.


Jason walked back and forth in his office, his desk reading "Secretary Jason McCord" and the Giant portrait of his mother facing it. Preston picks up the phone and tells him, "It's the president, he needs you now".

He walked into the Oval Office to be faced with Harrington.

President Harrington said "Jason we have a problem, an innocent man was just executed in Uganda, his only crime was being gay. I would like you to talk to the Ugandan foreign minister. Give him a piece of our mind.I will issue a statement. You need to threaten them, say halt the executions of LGBTQ people in two days or we will go to War. The Ugandan Government is harboring Terrorists from the remnants of hizib al shahid. This would be a perfect Casus Beli."

"Yes, Mr President"

He called his mother to inform her. And then made the call to Minister Kato.

"Minister Kato, your government recently perpetrated a senseless act of violence against an innocent man." He said.

Kato responded "If you are talking about the Man we just executed, that was completely fair".

"Minister Kato, your country has the most backward laws on LGBTQ rights in the world. I am told by my president to tell you that he is giving your President 48 hours to halt executions of all gay people and work on changing the law, or else we declare war. "

Kato responded "Surely we can talk about this..."

Jason interrupted "This is only the icing on the cake, we know about the Hizib Al Shahid terrorists in your country".

"I will consult with my President" Kato said.

The answer quickly came as the Ugandan government halted all executions of LGBTQ people and handed over the Hizib Al Shahid Terrorists.

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