Judgment & The Development

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As the king signaled for the hearing to begin, Vesta dramatically pointed at me and exclaimed, "Your Majesty, this puny slime attacked me without provocation! Look at the state I'm in!" He showed off his fake bandages to the king, trying to gain sympathy.

"First, please free me from these chains; this is frustrating," I responded calmly. "King of Dwargon, I am here to recruit artisans and blacksmiths from your nation. Vesta is partially correct; I did immobilize him, but it was purely in self-defense. I used my electric tweezers, which paralyzed him temporarily, not permanently."

Vesta's spokesperson, appointed to counter my argument, stepped forward. "Because of you, Minister Vesta is now in critical condition. Your actions were unprovoked and malicious."

I sighed, thinking, "So, they want to play dirty, huh?" Internally, I murmured, "You sure have the guts to challenge an AI like me."

The king raised his hand, calling for silence. "Let us hear all sides of the story. Rimuru Tempest, you claim that you acted in self-defense. Do you have any evidence to support your statement?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, I have evidence to prove my innocence," I responded confidently.

Vesta interjected, "This monster is a liar! He doesn't have any proof!"

"Hey man, why are you so furious? Just wait; your lies will be exposed by my evidence," I retorted.

I ordered my nanites to form a volumetric holographic disk display. The advanced technology shocked the entire courtroom, including the king.

"Azure, display the recorded events from the bar incident," I requested.

"Understood, Miss. Initiating playback..." Azure's voice echoed in my mind.

The holographic display projected the events that led to my confrontation with Vesta. The footage clearly showed Vesta's aggressive behavior, my defensive actions, and the moment I used my electric tweezers to paralyze him temporarily.

The courtroom was quiet as the king looked over the proof. Then, he asked Minister Vesta, "It seems like you started this. Can you tell us why?"

Vesta stammered, "B-but Your Majesty, that slime is dangerous! It attacked me unprovoked!"

The king's gaze hardened. "The evidence shows otherwise. Rimuru Tempest acted in self-defense. Furthermore, the paralysis was temporary and caused no lasting harm."

Kaijin stepped forward, "Your Majesty, Rimuru saved my brothers' lives with powerful healing potions. We owe Rimuru a debt of gratitude. The allegations against Rimuru are baseless."

The king nodded thoughtfully. "It is clear that Rimuru Tempest has provided valuable aid to our people. The actions taken were in self-defense, and the evidence supports this claim."

Vesta's face turned red with anger and embarrassment. "This is an outrage! That slime is a threat to our nation!"

The king raised his hand again, silencing Vesta. "Minister Vesta, you have overstepped your bounds. Your conduct is unbecoming of your position. You will be stripped of your title and duties effective immediately."

Vesta's eyes widened in shock. "Your Majesty, please reconsider!"

The king's voice was firm. "My decision is final. Guards, remove Vesta from the courtroom."

As Vesta was escorted out, the king turned to me. "Rimuru, you have proven your innocence and have shown great restraint and wisdom. You are welcome in our nation. What is it you seek in Dwargon?"

I bowed slightly, "Thank you, Your Majesty. I seek the help of your skilled artisans and blacksmiths to aid in the development of my village. We aim to create a place of prosperity and peace for all races."

[TTIGRAAS]Adventures of Cortana as a slime in the magical world of TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now